Higher or Lower
There are games that, due to their simplicity, are engaging. In fact, possibly, they are the ones that create the most addiction. Either, for example, finger dunk a ball into a container (Tigerball) or open surprise chocolate eggs In this case, it would be a trivial game, but instead of questions and answers, there are keywords. How? Keep reading.
In Higher or Lower, that you can download from this link, ( although with paid content), you will have to be an expert in SEO.If you start to hook up, normal. You don't have to be used to terms like Keyword or SEO. Let's explain. The »keywords» are search keywords that Google ranks in the results. For example, for a clothing store »trousers» can be a keyword or for the search »nearby ATMs», a keyword could be Santander. The SEO thing, let's say it's the talent needed to place these keywords at the top of Goggle searches.
So you are going to play to guess which keyword would return more results as opposed to another. Yes, it is easier than you think. What are people looking for more, Taylor Swift or Beyoncé? “Bank of America” or “Coldplay”?
Kim Kardashian VS Taylor Swift… FIGHT!
As soon as you download and install the game, all you have to do is choose the category in which you want to fight. We have the classic game, in which the keywords are completely random and do not respond to any criteria. If we are lovers of videogames, we can choose the section Games, where we can see which games have the most searches; Famous, where you will see if Kim Kardashian is more searched on the net than Rihanna, and a third section called Big Questions,where you will have to find out what people are looking for the most, if question How to kiss a girl? or this other one, am I gay?
The game has become tremendously popular in recent days on the net after several youtubers, among them ElRubius,make a video playing with him. You can see it below.
Higer or Lower is a game whose success lies, without a doubt, in the curiosity that Internet search results exert on us . Unless we play around a few times, we'll be able to see how wrong we were about some terms. To give an example: Tom Hanks has an average of 1 million searches per month. The Rolling Stones? only 200 thousand. Honestly, we didn't expect one of the most famous rock bands to have such a low number of searches.
It is a game, although it may not seem so, very complicated. To give the reader an idea, the average score is 3.2 points. Each time you hit a test, you get a point. We have played and, at the moment, there is no way for us to hit more than 4 results at once. Not bad at all, right?
Do you dare to try the new fashion game, Higer and Lower? Become a Internet search ax or fail trying to figure out if people are more into looking for Labrador Retrievers than Real Madrid.