How to Save Instagram Posts to View Later
Talking about social networks is doing it immediately. A simple glance at our Facebook wall or timeline of both Twitter and Instagram will leave The clear ones that the publications are constant, with which it is very easy for us to miss anything. In fact, if we haven't chosen who we follow well, we can go crazy and even choose to close the application. That's why Instagram now lets you save posts to view later
Instagram is one of the social networks that has become fashionable in recent months. It serves both to follow known people, and to search for topics that interest us. For example, if we are organizing a wedding, using the weddings hashtag we can take a walk through various accounts that will serve as inspiration to get ideas. But as we said before, it is very difficult to manage all the information that is produced at the moment on the Internet, with which we can activate the option to see them for later.
In the latest update of Instagram we will be allowed to mark the photos we want to see them later, in fact, we will have anew button under each photo of the social network While one is the little heart to indicate the 'like', the next button is to comment, and we have one to share the posts wherever we want, now there will be one for which we can mark the image to see it later
In fact, the update is somewhat reminiscent of the way Pinterest works. That is, click to save the image to see it later, and we can send it to a gallery that only we will see later. What would be a much more orderly and organized option than when we go to the option in itself Instagramof photos we liked.
Just as other tools are doing, such as Instagram or Facebook, which have taken things from Snapchat, now it seems that the idea is help us to better catalog the images as it happens in other similar platforms. Of course, like everything, it can also be done for objectives that are much darker than a simple gallery of sunrises that have inspired us.
In a place where 'stalkers' abound or, if we want to soften the term, gossips, one option is to follow a person we are interested in with a fake account and even create a gallery with their images.In fact, Instagram will not notify us if someone has saved our post to see later, something that it does with screenshots. This opens the door to those accounts that have a padlock and no post -or profile image-, but instead do follow us, especially if Our profile is public.
Which opens up two paths, one is to spy on our ex-partners or that boy/girl you like , or use it with more common sense and simply save everything that interests us to see it later or simply to avoid having to search people's galleries later.