How cool would it be to have sportswear that acted as a personal trainer, as if it were a giant application that covered your body? Well, stop dreaming because the company Athos has made it a reality. It has just launched a special sports set which is, in turn, a personal trainer that adjusts to your most urgent needs.
Let's see a little more in detail how this revolutionary garment works. Athos contains different sensors that analyze how your muscles workwhile you practice the exercise. All this information is transmitted to a specific web application which, through a diagram, explains each movement performed. The data transmitted by clothing and its sensors are essential: it tells you at all times if you are making more effort in one muscle than in another (jumping rope, for example).
The invention arose out of necessity: two students from the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Dhananja Jayalath and Christopher Wiebe wanted to get more out of their fitness training without having to spend extra money on personal trainers. This is how they devised this set with electromyographic sensors that could even be more accurate than a physical trainer.
Although today Athos is an investment that, in the long run, may be less than its human alternative, the cost of this suit is high: $700 for the men's version of the T-shirt and shorts and $350 for the girl's leggings Still, the company is investigating new ways to make the suit more affordable. garment as well as new accessories that follow the spirit of the main garment.
Christmas is approaching and many are already thinking about the kilos they are going to gain and how they are going to lose weight later. That's how we are: instead of enjoying whatever comes and trying to control ourselves and not stuffing ourselves, we are already worried about the kilos that we still do not have and that we do not have to gain. That is called putting the band-aid before the wound. And it happens to all of us. A truth like a temple.
If you are someone who cares about your weight and you are a member of a gym (and go regularly) you will know that the personal trainer option is there. The option of having someone by your side for those couple of hours you're in the gym is very attractive, hitting it hard, just for you, with a specific sports training to your anatomy and the kilos that you have left over. But there is a main problem, the economic one. Not all of us can afford a personal trainer In fact, it's a luxury few can afford.
Athos thus marks a before and after in the world of repairables, telling us loud and clear that we do not have to stick to to small or portable devices such as smartwatches or fitness trackers. Who knows if the Athos may endanger the figure of the personal trainer. Let's hope not and that both live in full cordiality.