Let's say you continue to play Pokémon GO from time to time, even though you less and less remember to start the game when you leave the house. You know where the pokéstops of your location are, so you don't worry too much about paying attention to the title, especially if you have the bracelet Pokémon GO. The only problem is that those Pokémon Eggs stack up on you without hatching them. You find it increasingly difficult to find the time or the motivation to walk up to 10 km to see what hatches”¦ no problem, there is a formula to hatch them without leaving home.Without moving at all.
The trick of this technique lies in the failure of the mobile's GPS And that is that the geoposition that you can get from a smartphone today is most accurate, but there is still a small margin, especially in places where the coverage, geographic location or the The structure or building where the terminal is located prevents the correct connection with the satellites that triangulate and locate the signal. In this way it is possible to take advantage of the margin of error and the relocation to add steps in Pokémon GO, which will increase the distances covered when hatching eggs. Do you want to know how to achieve it? Well, keep reading.
The only requirement is to have the bracelet Pokémon GO Plus This device is used to facilitate the capture Pokémon and collecting pokéstops without having to access your mobile.What you may not know is that it is also useful to keep the game active with the mobile screen turned off by locating the user wherever they go The latter is useful for recognizing the terrain walked by the user, which helps to add distances to the Pokémon eggs The key, then, lies in using this tool and take advantage of the failure of the mobile's GPS.
- So all you have to do is start Pokémon GO and pair your Pokémon GO Plusto use it, even at home. All this in the usual way, clicking on the icon in the game and then the button on the bracelet.
- Once the link between the device and the mobile has been carried out, it is enough to keep both in some place where the GPS may have certain problems to correctly locate the userThe innermost room in the building or that corner away from the open sky may be the best option.Although without completely isolating the signal from the satellites, of course.
- The third point is keep this system like this for as long as necessary.
With this, our character will run around the map from one place to another adding more and more steps An erratic behavior that, for the For the moment at least, Pokémon GO does not seem to have corrected it, and of which it is possible to take advantage of to manage to hatch eggs without any effort.Although this loses the spirit of the title.
An interesting point is to know that this function not only affects the hatching of eggs, it can also be used to get candies from a Kind of a concrete Pokémon without any effort. To do this, all you have to do is choose a Pokémon partner and add kilometers and more kilometers to the marker, being rewarded according to the criteria of each being.A good option to get candy Magikarp until it evolves into a Gyarados if you don't have any land with water near your home, for example.