We are not very sure if this new application, which is more than an app is a complement to Tinder, will be very well received. If the controversy was already generated with Tinder Social, now from FriendSwipe, we can connect our Facebook and Tinder profiles, and in this way, directly obtain a list of all your Facebook friendswho have an account on the flirt social network.
I really don't see the point of this app because, if those people are already friends with you, why do you want to communicate with them through Facebook? Actually, it looks like it will become an application whose goal is to expose those who try to be unfaithful to their couple through the most famous dating app.
Using FriendSwipe, for whatever purpose is really simple. The app performs a scan directly to your Facebook account and connects it with Tinder. To start using it we have to have Tinder previously installed and logged in with our Facebook account. Then, we proceed to install the application directly from our account at App Store (not yet available for Android) and the application will show us a list in alphabetical order (how wonderful!) with all our friends When we click on the name of one of our friends, will directly open a page with their Tinder profile, showing us all of their photos and descriptive bio. Here we also have the possibility to slide to the right or left to select whether or not we want to contact our friend.A little weird all this, isn't it?
Like many other applications that use the database of Tinder for purposes other than those of the main application, this one it also violates its terms of use, so it is quite likely that the application will disappear from the App Store at any time and it will no longer be possible to download it.
We havewe tried the application and we really found it very unhelpful. The only thing we have achieved has been discovering friends with a partner who have a profile on Tinder and now we see ourselves in the position of generating a bitter polemic or not revealing these dark secrets that have been revealed to us.
Despite this, we must not forget that the option of Tinder Social integrated into the application itself also informs us who of our friends from Facebook is on her looking for love.Fortunately for those who want to do bad things without getting caught, Tinder Social needs to be activated by the user himself for it to work although, we warn you newbies to this Tinder thing,that when you create the account the Tinder Social tab is activated by default so, if we want to be discreet, it is important that we deactivate it as soon as possible.
Good luck using FriendSwipe and we hope you don't get upset.