By now you know that Google has the best Internet translator and many other services capable of recognize what you write by hand on the mobile screen or detect that a user is not a robot by recognizing something only a human could discern. Qualities that improve the Internet in many aspects, from security to usefulness. A job that until now Google carried out on its own, but now it wants you to participate.And you can do it for free
And it is that Google has surprised by publishing a new application called Crowdsource As its name indicates, it uses a crowd as a source of knowledge The key is that this knowledge will benefit all users of Google services, asking very little in return (just 5 or 10 seconds of volunteers' time), but without any kind of reward . All this focused on the languages, the translations and the character recognition.
According to the media TechCrunch, Google has confirmed that It is a project so that people who wish to collaborate in improving the Internet and its services Once the application is installed, Crowdsource proposes to select the languages that the user speaks fluently Depending on the number of languages, you can perform different actions. If there are two or more, you can perform mini-tasks correction of translations. If there are fewer, you can translate, decipher handwriting, or recognize text on signs, photos, and scanned documents.
And that is precisely what Crowdsource offers, a conglomerate of short activities where you can test both your linguistic knowledge and visual skills The tasks only take a few seconds, and they are small exercises that can be entertaining, depending on the level of patience of the user. Simply select the type of task: image transcription, handwriting recognition, translation, translation verification, or map translation verification, and complete the job
That yes, as we say, Google shows blurred images, road signs, handwritingwhich could well be abstract drawings of small children and phrases to translate with more or less meaning. Jobs that only a rational person and not a robot can carry out. Which can be entertaining or a real ordeal for some users.
The funny thing is that, as other websites point out, Google is not offering rewards for this work. And it is thatCrowdsourceis completely voluntary, without the user receiving offers, cash or any other service to assess its contribution. Something really strange when Google already offers discounts and free applications on other of its rating servicesHowever, according to a spokesperson for Google, “People might use Crowdsource because, for many languages, translation tools and image recognition, etc., are not very good at present”.
In any case, the application Crowdsource is also available to download in Spain . It can be downloaded for Android via Google Play Store completelyfree.