That misspelling spelling That misused expression Thaterrata that has slipped into your last message”¦ their hours are numbered. At least in app Telegram, who has updated their apps to introduce a new and useful one characteristic: the editing of messages Or what is the same, being able to correct errors of messages already sentSomething that cannot erase the past, but can amend it.This is how to edit already sent messages in Telegram:
The first thing is to make sure you have the latest version of the most secure messaging tool in the world. To do this, simply visit Google Play Store and App Store and download the latest update available This will give us access to the ability to edit messages and other issues that we discuss at the end of this article.
With this, it is only necessary to access any conversation or chat Editing messages in Telegram is available in both group chats, and individual chatsand other types of channels where a message can be sent.
After sending a message that you want to correct, the user only has to make a short press on it to display the different available options . Among them is now that of Edit.
When selected, all that remains is to rewrite the message to correct any errors that may exist in it, be they spelling, grammar, or expression . After confirming the change, the new message is applied and is displayed to the fellow member(s) in the conversation Almost as if nothing happened .
Now, there are several things to keep in mind when editing these messages. The first thing is that each modified message will be marked with the label “edited” next to the corresponding double check. Something that will allow you to know that before said message showed another text. The good thing is that, this being another issue to take into account, it is not possible to consult what the old message said Thus, if the message has not been read original, the recipient will only be aware of the edition. A very useful question to avoid conflicts when saying something that you really didn't mean.
But the ability to edit messages on Telegram is just one of the new features introduced in its most recent update. Along with this we must talk about the improvement of mentions, which now send notifications to the aforementioned users even if they have silenced that conversation. It has also improved the way to search for chats through the search bar, where the most recent conversations appearto avoid wasting time.
Another novelty in this update has to do with the famous bots Those tools that are integrated into chats and are now available always handy in the share menu of each conversation. Thus, the bots that are used the most will rise positions and appear earlier in said menu.Finally, some design issues have been added to more conveniently forward messages from bots, channels, and public conversations.