Messaging application Telegram, known for security and privacythat it offers in its chats, has temporarily stopped working throughout Europe due to a service failure. Something that has left users Spanish with pending conversations and messages that neither sent nor receivedA problem that is unusual in this application.
As reported from the official account of Telegram on the social network Twitter , the service suffered a downtime around 10 in the morning, Spanish time. Without clarifying the reasons for this service stoppage, the spokespersons for Telegram on this social network do indicate that the interruption has affected Europe, to North Africa and the Middle East, leaving without messages or other functions like bots to their users. With some humor, they confirmed that their “wizards” (in reference to their engineers) were getting down to work to solve the problemas soon as possible.
Tg users in Europe and MENA are having connection issues at the moment. Our best wizards are working to resolve this ASAP. Hang on, people!
”” Telegram Messenger (@telegram) April 14, 2016
About an hour later, European users were once again receiving messages via Telegram Again viaTwitter, its spokesperson celebrated by welcoming it to this continent, informing the rest of those affected that the service would be resolved shortly. However, the problems continued to prevent the correct sending of messages in Spain, which confirms that not everything is resolved. At the time these lines are being written, several hours after the official announcement, the service is still interrupted, with intermittent connections that allow difficult communication over from Telegram At the moment we unknown what has happened However, the constant messages through of the official account of Telegram in Twitter solve some of the theories that users debated. Thus, those responsible have denied that Telegram has suffered any type of attack or hack that has endangered the system.It has also been confirmed that, despite the error that is being displayed in the groups and supergroups of the application, no chat has been cancelled, so the contents and access to them of said groups will remain stable once reestablish communication
OKAY. Now Europe is fine. Middle East coming up. ”” Telegram Messenger (@telegram) April 14, 2016
This is an unusual situation on Telegram, an application that has experienced few service outages throughout its history . Especially if we compare it with WhatsApp, in which users came to experiencing problems of this type on a monthly basis during a good season. In fact, these problems in WhatsApp were a whole source of users for Telegram, who after crashes, system crashes and security breaches decided to take the plunge or at least have this safe application as an alternative
Update: Service remains fully active in Europefrom one in the afternoon. For its part, Middle East is restored to 50%, following the statements of Telegram on TwitterIt is only a matter of time before the system will operate at full capacity and with total normality. Still no confirmation on the origin of the problems.