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Snapchat is in fashion and its creators know it, they know it well. The ghost application continues to increase its number of users and from Snapchat they continue to include continuous improvements and innovations Relatively recently we were able to see how they had introduced a function that allowed users to perform calls from the application itself, something with which they intend to compete with n WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. But if we talk about the star feature of the application, that is the possibility of putting on a mask, something we can also do in MSQRD. The difference between Snapchat with this app, is that, in addition to being able to share it with other users within the application itself,Snapchat renews almost daily the available masks. Another of the options available in Snapchat is to insert emojis in our videos and photos, and that's what we've come to talk about today, about a new feature that Snapchat is beginning to include starting today in its application: 3D stickers.
Emojis with movement for videos
Put it like this, “3D stickers”, It is not very clear to us what the concept consists of. Well, comment from TechBrunch that the "culprit" of this new addition to the app is a former Vuforia employee , a company specialized in virtual reality that started working for SnapchatThese new 3D stickers can be placed over objects in a video no matter how much movement be in it You place the sticker on the chosen object and it will follow its movement without remaining static on the screen (as has been the case until now with common stickers). Using machine vision to recognize different objects in a video, Snapchat will track these objects to keep stickers in sync. You can put sunglasses on your cat or place a monkey on top of a moving carWith all these changes, animated skins or 3D stickers, it seems that Snapchat is trying to push the limits of the imagination of its users to see what they are capable of to create a video in just ten seconds.
From TechCrunch -and we from here too- ask if the next thing that Snapchat will offer is the possibility of creating 3D drawings. What we are clear about is that Snapchat is quietly but quickly revolutionizing the world of social networks With all these resources, imagine what you can create and even more if you add some tricks like the ones we have told you here at Yourexpert, for example, how to record on Snapchat without hands.If you want to know how to do it you can see it here.
Snapchat's new feature is starting to become available for Android today and will be available on iOS in a few days.