Hands-free devices are very useful, as well as an obligation, if we want to communicate via phone while driving. However, what about messages from applications as WhatsApp and Telegram? If you do not have an intelligent vehicle, these messages are often forgotten until you park the car, despite being the most common communication methods for users.To be able to listen to and respond to voice messages while driving, however, there is a workaround: Drivemode
This is an application that facilitates the management of basic functions of our mobile while we are behind the wheel We must remember that handling the phone while driving is prohibited To avoid distractions, this application simplifies operation, making it possible to perform a couple of swipes on the screen to know the route to a specific destination, start playing music or call someone The good thing is that it also allows you to read WhatsApp messages and other applications out loud And what's better, answer without having to touch the screen , dictating the answer.
To do this, simply install the Drivemode application, which is only available for Android devices , and go through the getting started tutorial which tells you how to control its basic functions. An important step is to give Drivemode permission to read notifications Once the app is running, automatically alerts to the user of their notifications and, if these are messages from any messaging application, indicates the sender aloud and reads the content of the message All this without pausing other applications such as Google Maps if it is being used for navigation
Reading is done using the Google speech synthesizer, resulting in a clear but somewhat robotizedA female voice that you have surely heard at some point if you have an Android mobile. After reading the message, the voice asks the user if he wants to answer or not, something that we must choose after the beep indicating that the application is listening. Again, the Google voice recognition is responsible for understanding the words dictated by the user. Drivemode repeats what it has understood from the user and gives him the opportunity to modify or send it, if it is correct. When confirming the sending action, always with your voice and without the need to press on the screen, the application sends the message through the same conversation as the received message originally.
Drivemode also has the possibility to configure which applications have permission for their messages to be read out loudAll you have to do is access the Settings menu and mark the desired applications in the Messaging applications section
Besides this, also in Settings, it is possible to choose whether Drivemode asks before reading text automatically, or read the content directly Something that doesn't hurt to adjust if you want to keep message information secret when driving with someone else in the vehicle.
The application Drivemode is available for mobile Android through from Google Play Store It is a free tool Of course, it contains integrated purchases within the application in case you want to make donations and support its development. Also, keep in mind that the mobile screen remains always on when using this application, so it is advisable to have acar charger if you want to ensure the autonomy of the device.