It seems that communication continues to be the activity that Spanish users like the most through mobile phones. This is confirmed once again by the Association for Communication Media Research, which has published the results of its eighteenth survey on Internet use referring to last quarter of 2015 Data showing how mobile technology and applications continue to conquer users, although surprising with figures that seem hitting ceilingBut, what is the way that we Spaniards use for our daily communication?
This question is resolved quickly in the report of the AIMC, which continues to show WhatsApp as the option majority And this messaging application is used by 91, 6% of the Internet user population, increasing 32, 4 points this value in the last three years Of course, there is a warning of astagnation in the general use of messaging on a day-to-day basis, staying at 57, 5% respondents who affirmed this, two points less than what was seen in the previous edition of this study. Something that shows the maturity of this market, which seems to have reached its all-time high over the past year
The second option for Spaniards to communicate also belongs to the company Facebook We talk about Facebook Messenger , which is used by 52, 9% of the surveyed users. The third position is surprising, which is still defended by Skype, from Microsoft, with a37, 4% of the total respondents. In fourth and fifth place are Hangouts (19.3%), the messaging application of Google , and Telegram, reaching 16, 8% penetration in our population. Outside the top 5 favorite applications remains LINE, which is used by only 9% of respondents Now, keep in mind that these percentages do not add up to 100% among all applications, since usersThey have several of them active in their terminals, using them to a greater or lesser degree.
What all these messaging applications add up to is the bulk of the activities on the mobile phones of the surveyed users. Thus, 92, 4% of these applications are related to communication and messaging Secondly, with 86, 7%, are email applications, followed by social networks such as Facebook and Twitter, coming in third with a 72, 2%. Again, AIMC recalls that, by having different types of all these applications installed in the terminal, the percentages of their data exceed 100%, demonstrating that users do not use a single type of application.
In addition, and although the type of application is not specified, AIMC collects that more than half of those surveyed (59.2%) use these mobile tools several times a daySomething logical, since there are not many who are used to leaving the WhatsApp conversations halfway for several days, although there are exceptions. Few are (4.5%), therefore, who only use the applications once a month.
All these data show that communication and messaging continue to be the star activities through mobile phones. However, the market is increasingly mature, showing a stagnation in this type of applications. Has WhatsApp managed to reach the maximum number of Spanish mobile users? Will the advent of apps like Snapchat change things?