Snapchat stores your images and can use them however you want
With the arrival of the holiday of Halloween a most disturbing and worrying horror story has also appeared for many users. We are talking about Snapchat and its updated Privacy Policy, where it informs its users of how it acts the application. And it is that the changes suffered since last October 28 give carte blanche to those responsible for this messaging tool to store and do absolutely whatever they want with user's photos and videosYes, those contents that, supposedly, were deleted after sending them, or after spending 24 hours active in the stories Something that will make more than one's hair stand on end .
And now these Privacy Policies are more comprehensive and free for those responsible for Snapchat , to the detriment of the privacy of the thousands of users of this application. Thus, the text declares, among other things, that everything that the user creates with this tool becomes the property of Snapchat And, therefore, you can use it in your web or promotional campaigns, sharing user information with third parties, and taking advantage of these contents for life Of course, all this leaving the user as reultimate legal responsibility , but without offering any type of monetary consideration or payment of any kindAmong other new clauses.
This means that even if the user sets a timeout for another contact to see their photo or video and then disappears, they actually may remain stored in the Snapchat servers for as long as those responsible deem appropriate. And not only that, it could also be used for any or campaign of the company without the user receiving any type of financial compensation thus. And even more. The application may use not only your photos and videos, but also your profile information, their appearance and even the voice of the user in any media.
The new update of your Privacy Policy has already been released for all users.This implies that the use of the application grants consent by the user to Snapchat to carry out any question with its contents. All this without a time limit, offering these rights forever Something that users who chose this application instead of will not like so much WhatsApp or other social networks for granting that extra privacy that means knowing that the contents are deleted forever.
Of course, the reality is quite different. Thus, it has already been shown that the contents created and sent through Snapchat are stored hidden in the sender's terminal, and can be recovered. With this, take a snapshot of an ephemeral photo or video will move to second place on the list of users' concern, thinking about what other content the company could claim and use in your next campaign or share with your partners.
Now, although these new Privacy Policies make your hair stand on end, they are not that far from others social networks and similar services And with this the company ensures that it protects itself against any intellectual property problem with users, leaving all the loose ends tied in terms of ownership and legal responsibility of everything that is produced through your applications
Before the publications of different media and the fear raised by the changes in the Privacy Policies , those responsible for Snapchat have been forced to publish some statements on their official blog to try to clarify this issue. They confirm the changes to these policies, but absolutely deny that Snapchat stores user content on their servers. Thus, they support changes regarding content such as Stories that need some protection, since they collect photographs and videos that are published for the whole world for 24 hours. They also clarify that, with the sale of replays or the possibility of reproducing content received, it is necessary to take some licenses to carry out this function.
But the most important thing in their statements is that they ensure, as was the case before the changes in their Privacy Policies, that thesnaps or user content are not stored on their servers In fact, they claim they are deleted after be brought to the receiver. Along with this, they also clarify that they have never been able (nor do they) share this content with advertisers or other businesses. Of course, they cannot do anything with the screenshots that recipients can take from these contents.
Will this help your users to breathe easy again, confident that their content is truly ephemera?