LINE makes your chats more secure with user-to-user encryption
Security and privacy in communications are capital values for more and more users of applications of messaging No one wants others to read or see what they share with their friends and family. Something that the espionage scandals have managed to improve with companies that are now betting stronger than ever on it. This is the case of LINE, which has just announced a new measure to protect the messages of its applications so that no one but the users of the conversation can read them.That's right Letter Sealing
Referring to the classic wax seals of letters from a few decades and centuries ago, LINE has created an encryption or protection to prevent third parties from knowing what its users are writing. A type of protection known as end-to-end or user-to-user, which bases its reliability on a code to decipher the information that only the terminals of the interested parties know. Something that prevents the use of the servers of the messaging tool, and other resources that could be exploited by hackers and experts in safety.
Its operation is simple: LINE is responsible for encrypting or encoding messages that are sent and received through the application.In this way, in case of being intercepted, the information it contains cannot be read. What is new is that this security depends on a key that remains stored only in the user's terminal , and not on the servers of LINE This translates into encryption and decryption within the terminal, with a key that no one else knows and that is stored in the mobile. Thus, not even those responsible for LINE can access the content, since the key to decrypt the information is not in their possession. Very similar to mail sealed with wax, knowing that no one has read the letter because it remains with the identifying seal intact. Something that Telegram has been doing for some time with their secret chats
At the moment this protection is activated automatically in terminals with operating system Android, as long as their users do not have other accounts open in LINE PC , the Chrome browser, or on any of the platforms that LINE is on available.Meanwhile, iOS users need to enable Letter Sealing manually from the menu Settings to secure your contents. Of course, the protection is only really useful when both users exchanging messages have this function active.
Letter Sealing protection applies, for now, to one-on-one conversations and location services However, it will also be implemented shortly for other services of this messaging tool, in addition to ensuring multiple user devices with the same account Issues that make LINE one of the most secure communication platforms. Do not forget that it also offers other barriers such as blocking of the application under a four-digit code , or the possibility of having secret chats with a maximum response time
The Letter Sealing system is now available in the LINE appfor Android and also for iOS, although in this second case is necessary activate it manually from the menu Settings It can be downloaded for free via Google Play and App Store, respectively.