These are the tasks that Google Now can do without an Internet connection
At Google they continue to work to make their assistant effective and capable, under any circumstance. After improving its appearance with the change of logo, and its way of recognizing the user's voice and commands , understanding more quickly and better what is being asked of him, now, in addition, he begins to do it without the need for an Internet connection Something really Useful for performing simple tasks on the terminal when you are driving or when you are in the kitchen and you cannot touch your mobile, even if you lose the connection to the network momentarily.
This is a long-awaited feature, and it was discovered in one of the detailed analyzes of the media Android Police back in the month of June. A few simple references to the possibility of using this assistant without an Internet connection, using voice commands, but it never came to light until now. Of course, like all the new functions of Google, its arrival is being staggered, being the users of English speakingthe first to enjoy this feature.
In such a way, until now, when there is no Internet connection in the terminal Android and use Google Now by voice, a message alerting that something has happened, showing that there is no link with the network and without the user being able to perform the action.Now, however, the Google application will continue to work, albeit somewhat more limited This es, it is still possible to perform tasks, but from a reduced list of commands and that have nothing to do with Internet
Issues such as turning off or on different aspects of the terminal's connectivity such as WiFi or Bluetooth , make calls or send SMS messages, open any app, or even start playing music saved in the device memory. All this in the usual way, saying “OK, Google” plus the command you want to give, or by clicking on the microphone and dictating it after the beep. Thus, it is no longer necessary for Google Now to process the voice command on its servers to understand what the user has requested, regardless of the connection for issues in which they do not have to search the network for any data.
The full list of offline actions is as follows:
- Play music
– Open applications
– Turn WiFi On/Off
– Turn Bluetooth On/Off
– Turn on/off airplane mode
– Turn Flashlight On/Off
– Reduce screen brightness
– Call”¦
– Send message (SMS) to”¦
– Increase/Decrease volume
Now, according to Android Police, there are still some malfunctions in these orders without an Internet connection. Issues that Google will have to polish soon for its proper functioning.At the moment, Spanish users can only wait for Google to launch this feature also in Spanish . Thus, for now it is only possible to take advantage of the advantages of Google Now when you have an Internet connection, depending on the network both for simple commands to operate the terminal, and for any information query.