This is how Telegram channels work to send mass messages
The messaging application Telegram has renewed its mass messaging functionAnd the fact is that the company continues to improve its tool to try to attract the attention of more users, since they are still stuck at 60 million active users per month for some time, although the number of messages has increased significantly since last April. A number that exceeds 12 billion daily messages and that could increase thanks to the introduction of the new Channels or channels
This is a revision of its former broadcast function. Thus, instead of creating limited one-way conversations by a number of peers, the Channelsor channels propose a place to report massively, no maximum number of followers, and with other virtues that we discuss below. Characteristics that seek to make this application useful for something more than the mere exchange of information through messages.
Thus, instead of broadcasts to use, now the channels propose a way to know information about a user or transmit a data of mass form. Just create the channel and choose which contacts will be on it and will receive the new messages .The good thing is that the number is unlimited, so you can enjoy a channel with infinite followers where to give traffic information updates, share photos or any other data or content you want. All this enjoying a URL or address always available and permanent to access the publications of said channel and make it known to more users.
Also, you should know that these channels are fully available for any new user. Thus, newcomers will be able to review all messages and posts From the most current to the one that started the channel. All this knowing, in addition, that there is a reading counter for each publication Thus, the user who shared it can have data about the impact that their message is having, counting both the readings of that channel, as well as the readings of your forwarded message in other channels or through chats
These new features have already been released for the applications of the Android platform e iOS Thus, you only have to download the latest version through Google Playand App Store fully free Coming to web and desktop soon too , although no official date has been determined.
Other than this, iPhone users who have upgraded to iOS 9 , the latest version of the Apple operating system, will also finally feature enriched notifications In this way they can answer without having to unlock the terminal and access the conversation. Work is also being done on split view to be able to use Telegram at the same time with other applications, although for this we will have to wait a little longer.Along with this, the photo editor has finally been improved. A tool that now has options to customize the tint, fading or curvy of images before sharing them.
