It is now possible to edit photos on Facebook for Android
Facebook is the Internet platform that hosts the most photos, ahead of other specific proposals for sharing photos such as Instagram Mark Zuckerberg's social network has become over time our first choice for sharing our favorite moments with friends, family or the whole world , and its use on mobile platforms is increasing. To facilitate this use of Facebook, its Android app has been updated with a new photo editor that will allow us to perform simple actions before sharing our snapshots.Insert stickers to express an emotion, add text anywhere on the photo or make aquick crop are the main functions that we can take advantage of. We tell you how this new Facebook app tool works.
The new Facebook photo editor can be accessed automatically every time we share a photo on the social network. To do this, just click on the option “Photo” at the top of our wall. Within the main window of "Reel" we will see all the photos from the phone's gallery. We also have the option of taking a photo of the moment or making a video. Once we choose the desired photograph, click on the button «Close».
In the window that opens we will see the photo with the option to choose the publication mode at the top, as well as the possibility of adding a comment. However, what interests us here are the four icons in a circular shape that appear at the bottom of the photo. The first one, shaped like a magic wand is used to add labels to the people or pets that appear in the photo. Then there is the icon to add stickers, one of the main novelties of this editor. By default, we will have the standard stickers of the social network with nice yellow faces and different expressions. If we want to bet on another type of stickers, we can click on the icon in the shape of a shopping basket and then download any of the collections that the network offers us (for now, all the collections we have found are free). After choosing one of the icons, it will appear on top of the photo with a white circle around it.We can drag this circle anywhere on the photo. If we pinch with both fingers and make a rotating movement we will change its orientation, and we can also change the sizethat the sticker will have.
Another option available is to add text on the photo. Once we have written the text, there is the option to change their size or orientation in a similar way to what is done with stickers. Finally, the last option of this editor is to apply a crop to the photo All we have to do is drag our finger from one of the corners towards the center to choose the piece of the photo that interests us. In addition, with the button at the bottom with the square and the arrow we will rotate the photo to the left (as many times as we want until it is completely turned around). In short, a simple but useful editor if what we want is to add small changes to our snapshots before sharing them.