Microsoft Office is now available for all Android users
Regular users of the Microsoft suite of office tools are in luck. And the company has launched the applications Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excell and Microsoft PowerPoint also for mobile phones with operating system Android Something that was long overdue after the exclusive launch for tablets half a year agoWith this, any user of the Android platform can take advantage of these tools for free and with all their advantages anytime and anywhere
This is the complete suite of what was formerly known as Microsoft Office A toolkit that touches on the main types of documents that may be needed in a office From a blank page where you can write papers or reports with images and graphs, to tables and spreadsheets with data and graphs of all kinds, without forgetting slideshows with text and images that can be reproduced freely. guided to show data, ideas or any issue in an orderly manner. Of course, tools that arrive divided into different applications and that still require an Office 365 payment account to enjoy of all its functionsAlthough with a free Microsoft account it is also possible to create and edit basic aspects in any of these file types.
On the one hand there is Microsoft Word, the incombustible program for creation and edition of text documents With it, any user can write all kinds of files, taking advantage of its functions to introduce tables, charts, images and drawings, as well as shapes and all kinds of typography, sizes and colors. The app is available free through Google Play
On the other is Microsoft Excel An application that surprises with the user experience it offers when working with tables and spreadsheets And it is easy to handle data, mathematical formulas and complex graphs from a small screen like that of smartphones An experience almost as complete as that offered by a computer, but adapted to touch screens. Also available for free at Google Play
Lastly there is Microsoft PowerPoint, another of the classic tools for those users who have had to create some kind of presentaciĆ³n And it allows the creation of slides where all kinds of content can be introduced, allowing an idea to be divided into several sheets to dissect and comment on each aspect. All this being able to control its reproduction in a comfortable way and applying transitions with different shapes. It is available on Google Play for free
All of these tools also have several interesting features in common. The most noteworthy is support with the clouds or Internet storage services of Dropbox and OneDrive, owned by MicrosoftSomething that allows you to store and retrieve documents directly from the Internet, without having to take up space on the terminal itself. The only negative point is that these applications do not support Android terminals that do not have at least 1 GB of RAM , something that could leave some users of this platform out of the game.