Now that the heat is starting to tighten, there are more and more pool and leisure time. And, if not, you always have the mobile at hand to spend some time entertaining. Either collecting candies or avoiding poverty And it is that the latter proposes Homeless, a curious and demanding simulation game and strategy that makes the player steps into the shoes of a drifter who wants to progress and get a better life. Something really difficult that will lead you to make all kinds of decisions according to money, effort, patience and other virtues you want to achieve
This is a simple simulation game in terms of appearance and mechanics, but quite deep and complex when it comes to playing it. And there are many variables that can lead the protagonist to death if one does not have enough vision to improve and take steps in the right direction. A game that proposes to start on the street, asking for money or washing cars, and watching the constants of hunger and rest to avoid ending the game before schedule. All of this with the possibility of finishing up as a highly successful businessman or even as a whole mobster.
This is a different game for those who are willing to do without graphics, animations and an elaborate story.And it all depends on the player and the different menĂºs where the actions are reflected with numbers. Whether it's dollars earned, percentage hungry or sleepy, or the money it costs to buy a pair of shoes to go to a new job or do a wrongdoing. Thus, all its mechanics are carried out through buttons and menus, without actions or gestures or direct action.
However, this is a game cleverly constructed so that each variable affects the others. In this way it is possible to ask for money and get a dollar in the work tab (briefcase icon), however this activity will consume energy and hunger will increase, so it is not possible to work all hours. Once in a while you will have to eat junk or a hot dog if you have enough money. Little by little, and through all his options of work, delinquency or savings, it is possible to improve without neglecting any of the protagonist's needs.
If hunger or rest do not reach zero, little by little it improves acquiring new means of transportation, or working on different assignments that generate money and allow you to maintain a certain standard of living A mechanic that engages if you manage to master it. Of course, once everything is going well the difficulty of the title is reduced, being able to overcome it by acquiring the most expensive goods in a couple of hours. However, it is very entertaining for those who like to think and plan
In short, a different game that will stir more than one conscience and help those who dedicate a few minutes to it learn to plan. Of course, it still has minor flaws in its mechanics and without a really striking visual section, in addition to the fact that its menus and options are in EnglishThe game Homeless is available only for Android completely Free Downloadable via Google Play.