Google Keyboard now syncs your dictionary and allows you to use Emojis
The company Google usually updates its applications all the weeks, adding minor visual tweaks, or enhancing the user experience with useful new features. This is the case of Google Keyboard, the keyboard created by the company originally for its terminals with pure Android, but which is finally available for any terminal on the platform.Thus, now it has more useful resources so that the user or his terminal does not forget any word, or even to use emoticons Emoji from key external physical attachments.
This is the version 4.1 of Google Keyboard A version with a good list of new features among which the stands out synchronization with the user dictionary That is, being able to have those words that the user has already entered manually for appear as suggestion when typing on any of your devices where you use Google Kayboard.You just have to activate this function through the menu Settings, in the Accounts and Privacy section , to allow the keyboard to synchronize this dictionary customized by the user himself All a convenience to avoid having to change the customs or ways of writing in the devices where this Google keyboard is usedBut there is more news.
The other strong point of the update has to do with the Emoji emoticons Those nice drawings and expressions that were already present, but that wireless keyboard users couldn't take advantage. Until now. Thus, Google Keyboard in its version 4.1 supports accessing the collection ofEmojis when pressing the key Alt In this way it is not necessary to press on the terminal screen to access to the smiley collection. Just press that key and move with the arrows to select the desired one and send it in the conversation, email, social network post, or any other way.
On the other hand, this update has other changes that subtract instead of addAnd, the gesture typing or sliding your finger (also known as swype) now doesn't allow full sentences That is, before Google allowed you to type entire sentences by sliding your finger across the keyboard and the space bar to separate words without lifting your finger from the screen. A feature that has not always worked in a fine-tuned way. Reason why Google has decided to remove it Finally, the level of text correction now only is positive or negative That is, you can activate or deactivate, without there being degrees in its operation so that the user does not see all his words corrected if he wishes.
In short, an update that improves this keyboard, making the emoticons Emoji compatible with wireless keyboards and allowing the user to not have You have to reconfigure your entire dictionary when you switch terminals.All this just by updating to version 4.1 of Google Keyboard, which has already been fully released free through Google Play Of course, progressively, so it could still take several days to reachSpain