WhatsApp Web already includes Emoji emoticons of different races
The Emoji emoticons continue to grow and spread throughout the globe. And it is that, despite their Asian origin and the limited nature of their expressions and objects in some cases, they have managed to conquer the users of the Messaging applications like WhatsApp Some drawings, expressions and elements that have become essentials for day to day. Something that, in turn, has forced its evolution and development, creating new emoticons and improving existing ones. This is what has happened beginning of the year on Apple iOS devices, which already show different races in these emoticons to avoid discrimination, and which can now also be used WhatsApp users from the computer
Thus, without warning of any kind, users of WhatsApp Web, the service to use the famous messaging application, can now expand the variety of emoticons to be more diverse and respectful of any race Something that has been in the making for some time, as regular users of this service will have noticed that, a few weeks ago, the faces of the human emoticons changed from a pink color to yellow classic smileys or facesNow, it is possible to alternate between different skin and hair tones to further specify what you want to express with them.
Change came last year to Unicode, the organization charged with standardizing usage of emoticons. And it is that many associations and users requested a wider range of emoticons Emoji that is more respectful of races, religions and cultures. In this way, work was done on the possibility of changing the race of all the emoticons featuring human stick figures, including that of Santa Claus Something that was finally introduced and remained hands of each company enter through their keyboards and collections. Something Apple was quick to do with iOS 8.3, but hadn't done WhatsApp until the moment.
Of course, for now it is only available through the platform WhatsApp WebAll you have to do is access a conversation and display the emoticon menu Emoji Here you can find all of them on a regular basis, represented, yes, by a characteristic impersonal yellow color. All you have to do is click on one of those that have a human form for a few seconds to bring up a small contextual menu It lists the different varieties regarding skin and hair color tones With this, you just have to click on the desired one to attach it to the message .
This choice remains in the menu to be sent repeatedly with just one press. But, if you want to change, just make a long press to redisplay the window with all the variables.
Now these emoticons Emoji only show their different colors through WhatsApp Web That is, a user with a terminal Android can send emoticons with different colors enjoying them on the web , but on the mobile they remain with the usual colors. Thus, it will be the iPhone users who continue to enjoy all this diversity on mobile for the moment, and those who take advantage of the platform WhatsApp Web.