Popcorn Buzz
Free calls over the Internet are increasingly present on mobile phones since WhatsApp integrate them into your service Although it is nothing new, demonstrating thanks to applications like Viber that have been active for For a long time, it seems that there is still room for improvement and innovation This is demonstrated again LINE with a new app. It's called Popcorn Buzz and it's designed to make free calls over the Internet but in a groupSomething quite interesting from the communicative point of view, but that becomes real madness when raising the limit of participants in said conversation to 200.
This is a curious and powerful communication tool focused on calls. A tool that, although it belongs to LINE, can be used by any user with a terminal Android , its release also being planned for iOS soon yet. With it, the user can engage in direct conversations without spending a single euro on his voice rate as they occur over the Internet. Of course, then, consume MB of your data rate However, it is a cheaper, simpler and more powerful option if used in connections Wifi
Just start the application and enter a user name. It is also possible to personalize the user's profile with a photo. A simple step that does not require no type of registration With this, all that remains is to create the call group by giving it a name and, later, invite contacts by sending them a link to the massive call through any social network Although, if preferred, it is also possible to enter the user data of the messaging application LINE, speeding up the process and dumping the contacts to send them the invitation quickly and easily.
In this way it is possible to invite anyone active in the service to join a call through Internet As any another call, there are different options to mute the microphone or toggle between earpiece and speakerphone for convenient talking.Now, what is really interesting is adding contacts to the conversation, using the phonebook until completing a conversation of a maximum of 200 people, as long as you want.
Something that can turn the conversation into a veritable chicken coop without law and order, of course you don't expect it to introduce 200 people at each conversation. However, Popcorn Buzz has a useful system that displays the profile images of all the users who are participating in the conversation on the screen. In addition, marks with a green dot those who are actively speaking, thus knowing without fear of making mistakes who is commenting at any given moment.
In short, a tool that finds its place in the renewed market of free calls over the Internet, offering truly massive conferences , whether for the personal or professional sphere.It is also expected that it will soon expand its offer with video calls At the moment it is available for Android for free Totally Free Can be downloaded from Google Play