smartphones have promoted a new trend in which users can portray their entire environment with photos and videos comfortably Of course, this can directly collide with privacy if this content ends up on social networks. People that appear in the background of our images or underage faces that should not be published on public places. But it is that, without a tool that helps protect privacy, it is necessary to have notions of photo editing to eliminate or block those faces with a computerUntil now.
Thanks to the application ObscuraCam the mobile user has an automated tool to preserve the privacy of those faces that sneak into the user's images and videos A tool for protection that also has other extras as interesting as remove metadata or attached information from the photo that often reveals where it was taken or when it was capturedsaid time. A good option to protect yourself if you want to post something on social networks or if you want to pixelate faces comfortably.
This is an editing application that surprises with its automation of the process. And it is that ObscuraCam practically does everything alone, only requiring the user to choose the content to be retouched.Just launch it and choose to take a new picture with New Picture, choose one from the gallery with Obscure Photo or even choose a previously recorded video with the button Obscure Video Almost like any other photography application.
The interesting thing about ObscuraCam is that it has face recognition software , which is precisely what gives it that automatism. Thus, it detects the faces that appear in an image taken instantly or from the gallery to apply a marquee that pixels and safeguards the privacy of that person In addition, the user can click on the box to open a context menu and choose the way to block faces : either through a black square that impedes any type of vision, a pixelated that help deform the face without washing out colors or drawing too much attention to the image, or even putting on a fake nose and glassesAn option, the latter, that is far from being effective, since there is no way to adjust it to the face if you are not looking straight at the camera.
After the faces of the people in the image or video are blocked, the application creates a new image without details of location, time or other issues that photographs do usually have inside, always with the option of deleting the original image.
In short, a comfortable and simple tool to protect those people who need it in the images that are shared on social networks. All this almost automatically and with extra features that the most jealous of their privacy will like. The best thing is that ObscuraCam is completely free Of course, it is only available for Android via Google Play