Little by little the ephemeral messaging application Snapchat grows in users and functionalities. And it is always working to supply the needs of its users The last one to be resolved is create authentic video clips to share , although these will disappear shortly. And this application has been updated to be able to record videos in the usual way but allowing the reproduction of any music track Something that will help the proliferation of new content through this tool.
This is a function expected by users who want to put soundtrack to their moments Something that not all recording applications offer and that now Snapchat can satisfy comfortably. And it is capable of recording videos even though the mobile is playing music previously It is say, listening to a song and quickly jump into the ephemeral messaging application to record a moment without the music pausing for a moment. A simple novelty but with a lot of potential for those who want to turn their shared moments into a musical.
The mechanics are simple: the user only has to play music regularly on their mobile, either through through the stored songsin the gallery of your terminal, or taking advantage of other services such as Spotify or playback from the Internet.Anytime you want, you can open Snapchat and start to record a video No matter if is recorded with the front or rear camera or the duration thereof. The music that sounds will be recorded along with the video serving as musical context Of course, this music is also protagonistin the video.
And the fact is that the music is recorded at a quite high volume, which is an important element of the video, beyond a mere background melody to contextualize. No matter how loud it's playing Even so, Snapchat continues to record ambient sound , so it can pick up the voice of the user, the sound of the place in which is found etc. Now, you have to speak loud to be able to distinguish the voice or sound over the music.With this, the content is ready to be shared: either with some specific contact, establishing the playback time before the content is deleted, or attaching it to the history of the user himself, where will remain for up to 24 hours so that any follower can have access to it at any time of the day and as many times as you want before it is finally deleted.
At the moment this new function is only available for terminals iOS, where it can be enjoyed through the latest update ofSnapchat, which has version number 9.2.0 Fully downloadablefree via the App Store Also expected for platform Android in its latest version available on Google Play, although it has not yet appeared, an issue that could be imminent.In short, a simple way to create new content such as video clips or karaokes