The new year arrives with a new record for the messaging application WhatsApp And it is that, as usual, after the Christmas dates both the number of people who are using this service, as well as the volume of content that is transmitted through it. A figure that has not disappointed and that only shows the growing importance of this application throughout the world.Thus, there are already more than 700 million people who use WhatsApp every month, keeping this messaging application on the crest of the wave against the large number of available alternatives.
The curious thing is that, this year the information about the number of users comes through the social network Facebook, and not through a brief tweet on Twitter A logical point after the social network of Mark Zuckerberg disbursed a whopping more than 19 billion dollars between shares and money for the purchase of WhatsApp A movement that is making more and more sense taking into account the data published. Thus, it has been Jan Koum, creator of WhatsApp, who has published a message on his Facebook account clarifying all this information and thanking the growing community of users.
The message of Koum, although with more characters than in Twitter , continues to be concise and direct, just as they like to do things on WhatsApp In it, he congratulates the Christmas holidays and recognizes the growth in the number of active users on a monthly basis. But it also talks about the 30 billion messages that are sent daily through the app. A number that must be understood as the sum of messages sent and received, taking into account the group conversations , where the number of messages received is multiplied by the number of interlocutors present in the chat.
It is curious that, given such a volume of daily messages, the achievement of a new record on New Year's Eve 2014is not confirmed, as also happens annually. And it is that on New Year's Eve a particularly high volume of messages is usually achieved, even more so when the memes and cartoons of greetings go so viral While last New Year's Eve WhatsApp got 54 billion messages , this year's figure is unknown. Although it is very likely that it has been surpassed given the growing user community.
With this, month after month, the messaging application continues to add more people who choose this tool to stay in touch with their environment. An application that, according to Koum, will continue to improve its service this 2015. And it is that they still have several aces up their sleeve, among which are the phone calls they are working on.A long-awaited function that could give the telephone companies a hard setback if it offers its service for free over the Internet For now we just have to wait and see how the most widely used messaging application in the world pursues its goal of reaching 1,000 million users As a curious fact, keep in mind that it already hasmore than half of the users owned by Facebook itself