Users concerned about saving on their telephone bill sure they know more than one trick to avoid making extra calls or contract the lowest data rate and take advantage of WiFi Internet connections However, it is a very It is hard to choose a rate that meets the needs of the user, their consumption habits and, furthermore, that they do not go crazy when comparing. That is why Weplan, a powerful comparison tool with a few more additions that make it essential for those who want to save month by month
This is a complete information tool about telephone plans of the main operating companies. And not only in Spain, but also in the middle of Europe and Latin America. In fact, it is capable of displaying an average of 182 rates clearly by country so that the user can choose the one that best suits them. Either for its price, for the amount of Internet data it offers, for the minutes, etc. All this without forgetting other services such as optical fiber or ADSL and average monthly user costBut the application Weplan has many other tools.
Among them stands out a control of user consumption in real time A very useful way of knowing how many MB of your data rate you have consumed, or how much the last call cost you. All this instantly thanks to the application or its widget or direct access, which can be placed on the desktop of the Android terminal to always have it at hand and in sight. And even more, since it is possible to establish different types of alarms that warn before reaching the consumption limit , when the permanence has expired, and other useful notices for the user.
Another highlight of Weplan is that it has exclusive promotions for its users. So you not only have the information to save up to 50 percent on your rates, but you also have the tools. Promotions that can be applied to the same rates that are contracted or even in the purchase of smartphones and terminals to enjoy them. Something that the user himself should review when buying the different options that are presented to him to save on his monthly bills.
In short, a very complete tool for the most savers. And it is that it has detailed information of the main telephone operators. But also with savings support tools, notifications and graphs that show in detail the consumption of voice, data, SMS and monthly cost All this with the possibility of consulting the history and doing calculations to find out how much you could save per month if you opt for another rate that better suits your needs and consumption. But the best part is that Weplan is completely free It is available only for terminals Android and can be downloaded via Google Play