Fitness with Gear
Users of Samsung devices who have opted as pioneers for their he alth devices , smart watches or smart bracelets, have had to face some difficulties in getting all your data stored. Thus, even though Samsung designed the S He alth tool to collect all data from collected by wearable devices or wearing the company itself, users have had to deal with the Fitness application with Gear to be able to do it effectively no matter what terminal they had.However, Samsung now moves tab again and decides to remove this app to focus solely on S He althas the nerve center of user he alth data. We explain it in detail below.
The idea of Samsung from the beginning was to develop an application capable of managing all the user's he alth data, dumping into it issues such as calories burned, he alth goals set, physical training and any other measurement-related detail offered by watches and bracelets smart However, S He alth has become outdated in older terminals such as the Galaxy S4 with which it was presented, without offering compatibility when saving data from quantifying devices such as the bracelet Gear Fit.
This is why Samsung ended up developing a second app called Fitness with Gear , specially created to collect all the data from the quantifying bracelet curved screen of Samsung An application with full compatibility with the new and old terminals for users who have some kind of problem. However, the end result has been a somewhat confusing situation for all users. For this reason they have decided to suppress this application in favor of the original S He alth
Of course, for this, they have updated the application S He althto give full compatibility to store data from any wearable devices or wearing Samsungwith your older handsets, including the Galaxy S3A renovation that has led to notable improvements in terms of its visual interface for old terminals, as well as full compatibility and synchronization with Gear Fit and other quantizing devices from Samsung
With this, any user of Samsung devices can manage their goals, physical training data, calories and other issues through S He alth. Of course, there are some changes like the old section Comfort, which is now displayed in another menu with the information of the humidity of the environment and degrees Celsius, although leaving outside the measurement of heart rate or the measurement of stress level
In short, a movement in favor of the user, trying to maintain the initial idea of unifying all issues of he alth through S He alth, allowing to dump the data of wearables devices in it regardless of which terminal Samsung you have, or use other applicationsThe new version of S He alth has already been launched, gradually reaching all markets through Galaxy Apps Meanwhile, a message will alert the user that Fitness with Gear has been replaced by S He alth , inviting you to use it.