Mobile payments are becoming a trend. And not only to make regular purchases, but as transfers between contacts Thus, there are several companies and tools that are betting on this practice, one of them being the well-known application of ephemeral photographs and videos Snapchat A well-known tool among the public young that no longer serves only to send all kinds of photos that self-destruct shortly after being seen, Instead, it allows to send money as if it were messages.This is Snapcash, your new role.
At the moment this is a feature that is being released in the United States, where the bulk of its users are and where it operatesSquare, the company in charge of storing bank details of users and manage monetary transactions I make a point in favor considering that Snapchat is not exactly characterized for being the most safe and intimate after scandals such as the theft of photos by third-party applications that copied its operation.
Use Snapcash to send money via Snapchat en very easy. The first thing is to associate the bank details to the user accountSome information that refers to a normal and current debit card from where the money will be transferred. With this, and after updating the application to have the function, all that remains is to decide the amount of money to be sent using the label dollar symbol and the figure Thus, as if it were a normal message, it is possible to make a money transfer that will go to to the account of said contact All of this in just a few seconds and without major complications. Neither difficult steps to carry out the transaction nor complicated security barriers like those of the usual banking services.
That yes, Snapchat ensures that it is a totally secure processthanks to the intermediation of Square, which already has experience in transactions and payments. However, it is possible that you lose some anonymity that was available to this application.And it is that even if real names are still not used, if you prefer, it is necessary to link real bank details to the user account of Snapchat Something that would offer some information of interest to Snapchat (data that could be used to send personalized messages) and for those who decide to attempt against this system , in a hypothetical case of information theft.
At the moment the US public only knows the official announcement of Snapchat, and that is that the applications for Android and iOS have not yet been updated to be able to use Snapcash , but hopefully it won't take long to arrive. Mobile transactions are beginning to gain importance, even more so considering that this application is one of the most used messaging tools in the United States Another company that is working on A very similar system is Facebook, more specifically its application Facebook Messenger, of the that rumors have already leaked about this new transaction serviceAt the moment we will have to wait for this feature to reach Spain, being able to see from the sidelines how this trend of sending money to contacts is received as if it were messages treat.