The controversy with the new function of the messaging application WhatsApp continues to be served. And it is that, if this week the double blue check was presented, it only took a couple of days for new to emerge hoaxes and frauds around this feature. All this taking advantage of the innocence and lack of knowledge of some users who see in this new marker of the application a inconveniencemore than an improvement of the messaging service.
The notice was given by the National Police through its social networks And they have begun to distribute on Twitter messages and publications that warn of a supposed way to deactivate the already famous blue double check Messages from an account called Remove Double Check on the social network of140 characters that does not hesitate to publish images about this function and affirm that, through the link that it distributes, it is possible to avoid the appearance of this acknowledgment.
Something that is totally false And it is that WhatsApp not does not allow at any time to deactivate this double blue check. Although, it is possible to prevent it from appearing when reading messages with some alternative methods , but never achieve its complete disappearance.Therefore, you have to doubt these false services and miraculous programs Always using common sense and avoiding being a victim of this scam, as reported by the National Police
In fact, the link that distributes the account Remove Double Check, takes the user to a web page where he is invited toenter your phone number to get a download code. To download what? It's actually a trick to get to hire a Premium SMS messaging service which involves a high cost to the user, receiving text messages for a price of 1, 45 euros A subscription to which he arrives deceived, thinking that what he is going to achieve is deactivate the function double blue check of WhatsApp
This is not the first fraud born from WhatsAppBecause it is the messaging application that is most successful and followed by users, it is also a juicy temptation for criminals who want to take advantage of the ignorance of some users . High-profile cases in which it was possible to swindle thousands of euros under the premise of being able to show the messages that other people send through their own accounts All this by repeating the formula of subscription to Premium services of high-rate messages.
Issues that, on the other hand, are completely illegal And it is not only that it is not possible to read other people's messages without the knowledge and necessary technology, but it is a practice punishable by the law since it violates the Right to Privacy
In any case, it is advisable to ignore those messages and links that claim to end the double blue check And it is that , at least for now, WhatsApp does not give the opportunity to deactivate this option, much less to read other people's messages. Something that should always be taken into account.