In Microsoft they have decided to change their strategy towards their office tools And, after having limited the possibilities of mobile device users when it comes to creating Word documents, Excel tables or PowerPoint presentations forcing them to pay for an Office365subscription, they are now starting to offer these features for free A change of direction that could well be propitiated by the fierce competition that surrounds these office tools in the mobile world.
So, from now on, users of iPhone and iPad who download the applications Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft PowerPoint, not only will they be limited to viewing their documents, but they will be able to edit them totally free, without the need for the subscription that was previously required for unlimited use and enjoyment. And not only that, Android users have the same advantages through the Microsoft Office Mobile applicationthat includes all tools in one.
It seems that Microsoft wants to expand your experience of using these office tools through mobile platforms more generally. And it is that, with the same tools free in the web version, they have decided to also bring it to the applications native.However, it could also be a new strategy to try not to lose market as a benchmark in office applications. Thus, Apple already has its own iWork, in addition to an infinity ofapplications that can carry out these tasks without having to pay a single euro for it. Something that could end the reign of Office
That is why Microsoft is on the move. If a short time ago you significantly increased the space of your OneDrive cloud to accommodate more content for users of an Office365 , since yesterday it has joined forces with the Internet storage service Dropbox Thus, users of its office suite can now Save your documents to Dropbox and access them conveniently and without restrictions. Even more so after update its application for iPhone and iPad, which already includes this option.But it is not the only novelty.
In the recent update for iPhone, Office changes and mimics the iPad version, offering a much more comfortable use experience for these devices portable, allowing to move and arrange all the elements on the screen at will All this improving the viewing of the spreadsheets and animations and views of slides
And as if that were not enough, Microsoft has opened the season to test the Office application for Android tablets Just sign on their website to have access to a previous version that shows what the features and appearance of this will be tool for users of large screen Android devicesA version that, again, would focus on what was seen for iPad
In short, a move perhaps desperately on the part of Microsoft, or perhaps following its own plan to continue maintaining the brandOffice very present among users of portable devices as well. Of course, despite having released the paid subscription Office365 the service, it seems that the monetary future of this suite goes through the limitation of features or purchase of new items and tools to complete the experience or cloud space for storage . This paid subscription will also continue to be required for the Business or Enterprise versions