Facebook is testing information cards like Google Now's
On Facebook they don't sit idly by. And it is that the most massive social network in the world cannot rest on its laurels despite having added another year of juicy benefits And the fact is that people can get bored at any time and put them aside, as has happened to younger people It's for This, perhaps, that they are experimenting with a new function capable of drawing the user's attention to this social service with information cardsinteresting for the user.
At the moment it is a test that they are putting into practice through the application of Facebook for the platform iOS Thus, as if it were the assistant Google Now, they seek to proactively alert the user about different issues and publications that occur in the social network Of course, unlike the utilities of Google Now that are intended to inform about where the user has parked, to inform him of the return transport schedules and other issues, the Facebook cards are a clear claim to review the latest news or the user's wall.
These cards show information related to the user's friends and publications, appearing at the moment the user makes check-in somewhereor do some activity like show what movie have you seenWith this, a card appears showing photographs taken in that same place by the user or his friends, or whones of them have also passed through there All of this is well organized into different sections that are also colored according to the type of information they show, to be even clearer and more visual.
An information that calls the user to consult the profiles, ratings or photos of friends and contacts Objective that focuses on socializing, having a topic to talk about or find some information about a place or movie, but always from a subjective point of view. Very different from what Google Now does, always showing, in this case, offering information of interest before the user gives it search All this related to Internet data and with very different possibilities.
For now this is an experiment running only on the iOS platform , and not in bulk. Thus, if the reviews and results are positive, it is expected that soon will expand to the rest of the platforms to inform the user about the related publications made by their friends regarding the place you have been, the movie you have seen or other variables that these interesting, although repetitive, cards collect.
We will have to wait and see if this function finally stays on Facebook A tool that seems to use the Graph search system to be able to create all the necessary links between the information. Therefore, it is difficult for this feature to be officially released for everyone in a few weeks, being for the moment an experiment or test of the most interesting