One of the biggest problems with smartphones is memory saturation. And it is that after intensive use of its applications, especially in the field of messaging such as WhatsApp and Telegram, many files remain residual. These are the videos, images and files that, once shared, are forgotten, occupying precious space that can be used for something more useful or thus avoid slowdowns of the terminal in general.But how do you know how much space is occupied? How to get a general cleaning done? The answer is in the application TCleaner for users of Telegram
This is a most useful application for those users of Telegram who tend to forget everything they share through she. In this way, it is possible to perform a mass deletion of files and documents that have been shared and that, in general, are not consulted again. A good way to clean from time to time without investing too much time or effort in the process thanks to a useful and simple application
Just install it and access it without any registration or configuration.And it is that TCleaner is in charge of analyzing the memory of the MicroSD card, in case of have it, as well as the terminal itself to know how many Telegram files are present and the space they occupy. Something that is displayed visually through the icons at the top of the main screen. In addition, in the central part there are two sections that collect both the images and thefiles that have been shared by this messaging application, showing their number.
The good thing about this application is that it allows you to perform massive deletions, managing to delete all images or files with the touch of a button. Just click on the trash can icon on the main screen on the type of document you want to delete to delete them all in one fell swoop. Of course, it is not always desired, there are different contents that you want to keep to consult them at any other timeIn this case, you only have to access any of the two categories to review all these documents.
Thus, you only have to mark the desired ones from the list to carry out a selective deletion that is completed by clicking the trash can icon. Of course, you have to make sure that the option that says Delete selected elements is checked, since the other button also performs a massive deletion.
In short, a really comfortable tool that allows, from the same screen, free up space without having to access different folders on the terminal for it. Everything definitively, quickly and efficiently. An application available for the platform Android and can be downloaded completely free through from Google PlayAnd, if what you want is to eliminate the residual files of WhatsApp the same developer has the application WCleaner