The WhatsApp service falls again after its purchase by Facebook
Following the conspiracy theories of many users of Internet social networks, it could be said that Facebook took no time at all to bring down WhatsApp to get users to choose their own messaging tool: Facebook Messenger And the thing is that the WhatsApp service has failed again for the second time after its purchase by Facebook, and for the umpteenth time as it has been almost usual every month.Something that probably has little or nothing to do with Facebook and with the growing number of users it continues to amass.
In this way, many users of this application have begun to have problems when sending and receiving messages on 14.00, Spanish time. A problem that prevented messages from being sent, remaining on hold with the clock icon because there was no connection to the service servers. And it is that the Internet connection of the affected WhatsApp users had nothing to do , either through WiFi or data (3G or 4G). A common bug that almost every month is being experienced in this application.
The problem has prolonged for almost an hour, the recovery of the service being progressive as we have been able to verify through social networks such as Twitter, where readers, users and those affected commented on what happened.In this way, around 15 hours the messages of WhatsApp began to leave the terminals emitters and to travel to the receivers, at least in Spain. Shortly after specialized US media confirmed the recovery of the service in other countries of the world.
As is also usual, since WhatsApp they have not bothered to make the event official, despite the number of affected users who they have attested to the fall of the service. On this occasion, only the function Service status integrated into the application itself has been responsible for confirming that a failure had occurred with the following message: Sorry, the service is experiencing a problem right now. We are working on it and hope to restore functionality shortlySorry for the inconvenience Something that has not been confirmed by the official Twitter account as it happens on other occasions.
Therefore, and although it is logical to think that some failure has affected its servers, there is no official confirmation. Just the clue that they have confirmed this morning through Twitter and that reported the new achievement achieved in terms of volume of information handled by the service. And it is that up to 64 billion messages have been exchanged throughout 24 hours Something that may have been able to congest the service to the point of blocking it during this hour that it's been down. A doubt that may not be results due to the secrecy of the company.
In any case, the WhatsApp service now works as usual, having distributed all the messages that were waiting for leave during the fall of this noon.A new failure that may well come from the application's own success.