Fundéu BBVA
The search engine of Internet of Google often also works such as dictionary and to consult any type of linguistic doubt of the user However, there are other options much more effective and concrete, especially when solving any problem in the use of SpanishThis is the case of Fundéu BBVA or the Fundación del Español Urgente An institution without spirit organization focused on promoting the proper use of Spanish in the media and which has all kinds of recommendations and advice when it comes to using phrases, tools of the language or words that can make even the most learned Spaniard doubt.A foundation that also has its own application to solve doubts at any time and place.
It is a tool that any passionate or habitual user of language should carry on their smartphone And it helps to solve linguistic doubts of all kinds in just a couple of screen touches. A simple application, based on the web, that is not surprising due to its visual appearance or is particularly agile, but gives access to all the contents of Fundéu BBVA in a simple way, being able to even receive notifications and read the daily recommendations.
Just start it and wait a few seconds for the contents of your main screen to load. This focuses on the daily recommendations, being able to first consult the article of the day to solve any doubt, learn how to translate an Anglicism or how to use a word that is being a trend in the media.Thanks to the tabs and buttons at the top of the screen, the user can comfortably move between the different sections, which are mainly divided into Recommendations and Query
While the first contains daily articles and clarifications, the second is created to resolve doubts By clicking on it you can use yoursearch engine, where you only have to write the term or phrase whose correct use is to be known. After carrying out the search, a list of results is presented, among which you can find both articles with recommendations and queries made and already resolved Just by clicking on any of them you can access all the information to solve the problem. In addition, if there is no answer to the question, it is always possible to send said query so that it can be resolved by the experts of Fundéu BBVA
Next to these large sections of the application or “app”, there is also a camera icon in the upper right corner from the screen. This is a menu where you can find all kinds of photographswith surprising uses of language and, sometimes, garrafales grammatical errors A section in which the user can also participate by sending their own image thanks to the Send button your photo
In short, a tool capable of resolving doubts for those users who like to join letters and need help. All this knowing that this foundation has the support of the Royal Academy of Language An application available both on the platform Android as in iOS, being able to download it through Google Play and App Store totally free