Telegram reaches 35 million active users
The rate of growth of messaging applications continues to increase. Especially that of the last alternative presented to compete against WhatsApp And it is that those responsible for Telegramhave released the latest data regarding number of users, already reaching 35 millionA figure that is still very far from other applications (WhatsApp already has more than 460 million ), but which is of great importance compared to the growth rate of those others that have also tried to gain a foothold in this genre of messaging.
The data has been released through the official account of Telegram on the network social Twitter, where through a brief tweet or message they congratulate themselves on having reached that figure. But what is interesting is that, according to the specialized media TechCrucnch, the current 35 million users of Telegram would be active users That is, people who have downloaded and actually use them regularly this messaging app. Which means really fast and powerful growth.
In addition, despite the fact that for some users it continues to be a second way of communication after WhatsApp, Telegram is registering a high volume of messages. A tool that is being used so regularly that, just in the past month, it has recorded up to 8 billion messages, according to its managers, Nikolai and Pavel DurovA figure that is far from the 54 billion messages that WhatsApp registered only on New Year's Eve, but that shows how in just a few months an application has managed to call the attention of so many users.
In such a way, TechCrunch has learned the data that indicates that of those 35 million users active per month, 15 million are daily active A brutal growth taking into account the figures known last October, when there were only 100,000 active users per day. Something that has a lot to do with WhatsApp , or rather, the news that it was acquired by Facebook, and the fear that the information transmitted in their messages would be known by spies and governments. So much so that the application Telegram recorded up to five million downloads in the 24 hours that followed to the knowledge of the purchase of WhatsApp
And the fact is that Telegram has arrived at the right time on the market. Carrying security in communication when the news talks about espionage, and the possibility of holding much more private conversations and protected than other services, it has managed to attract the attention of users more jealous of their privacy A tool that is also completely gratuita and that for the moment has not suffered any type of attack, nor has any vulnerability been discovered. All this focused on solving one of the needs raised by its creators: allowing a really private conversation, away from the eyes of governments.
At the moment it is an application in full boom, and not only in terms of user numbers, since its applications are seeing updated almost weekly with new functions and features to solve other communication needs of users.Something that could continue to boost its growth every month if it manages to catch on among users around the world.