Little by little the latest instant messaging application to stand up to WhatsApp continues to improve its functions and offer a most complete service It is the well-known Telegram, which has caught everyone's attention thanks to its security measures and, above all, those of privacy that ensure that privacy is maintained through their secret conversations.A feature that is expanded with this new version released for both iOS andAndroid with new features and more options when it comes to sharing content.
This is an update that affects the official applications of Telegram on the main platforms, and which seeks to continue expanding your experience of use with new content to share, as well as improve the privacy of your famous secret chats. And it is that, precisely in this aspect, Telegram now allows delete messages sent through this special type of conversations but on both terminals
To do this, simply enter a secret chat and hold down one of the messages already sent.This is how the option to delete it appears, knowing that when confirming said action the content of the message is not only deleted from the conversation itself user, but also that of the interlocutor, trying to eliminate all traces about him. A most interesting process but one that can be thrown to the ground if a screenshot is made that records that said message or content has existed at some point . It should also be taken into account that this function is effective if both users have the latest version of Telegram on their terminals. In this aspect of secret chats we must also comment on the new self-destruction icon located at the top, so as not to have to access the settings when set the time before messages self-destruct.
But there is more news in other areas of this messaging application.One of the weak points against WhatsApp was the impossibility of sending voice notes Question that they have been quick to correct in this new version. Now this option is available next to the writing bar, being able to record for several seconds the ambient sound, the user's voice or any sound question that is sent to the lift your finger off the screen.
Along with this, the function of share business cards Or what is the same, collect information from any contact from the phone book and send it comfortably in a conversation, without the need to memorize name and number or any other tedious process.
Finally, and in this case only for Android users, the new version allows save the videos received through the conversations directly in the gallery of the terminal.Similarly, content such as files, documents and other received shipments can also be stored in the Download folder.(Downloads) to have them grouped in one place.
In short, an interesting update for an application that, although it has better and more powerful functions than WhatsApp, still seems unconvincing to the majority public. All this with privacy protection worthy of admiration, especially in these times. The new version of Telegram is now available for download via Google Play and App Store totally free