Twitter now allows you to play videos in its mobile applications
Little by little the social network Twitter is incorporating new improvements and issues that seem necessary, especially after having been seen in the unofficial applications The last step in this direction is the introduction of videos in the same Twitter tool both for Android and iOS A matter of principle commercials but which most users can take advantage of to enjoy animated content without having to use other applications or waste time loading web pages
This is a novelty that Twitter has begun to launch in United States in collaboration with some companies. A function that they have baptized as online videos and that allows you to play this content directly in the application, just as happens with the photographs and links to them from last fall. All a convenience that saves time and patience, improving the user experience of the official applications of Twitteron both major mobile platforms.
For the moment, the American National Basketball Association (NBA) has been the first to publish content of this type using the new online videos feature. A video summary of the day that users can see in the same application without accessing another tool such as YouTube or loading the entire web page where the video can be be embeddedSimply click on the frame that appears in the tweet or message and go to the playback screenwhere to see it in a larger size with more comfort.
This is undoubtedly an interesting and necessary move for a social network that seems to be in decline after the last known economic results A push that makes things easier for both users and companies. And it is that the use of videos that are reproduced in the application itself opens up a world of possibilities for and marketing, once again calling the attention of companies and businesses that they can introduce their advertising content with fewer obstacles in a tweet All this without the user having to click up to three times on options or links to reproduce content as was the case before .Of course, playing these videos directly on Twitter could reduce visits to their web pages.
However, uploading videos to Twitter servers for playback via mobile applications also incurs aadded risk for this social network And it is that analysts still keep in mind that with the success of the selfie or selfie of the Los Angeles gala Oscars, the social network had a collapse due to the large amount of traffic it registered in such a short time. Something that they will have to work carefully if they want to place company ads and that everything goes well.
At the moment it seems that we will have to wait a little longer for the videos on Twitter to reach Spain, although it seems that the experiment is going from strength to strength in United States, where they have already reached agreements with other60 companies to test the videos online feature.