Mobile payments are becoming widespread for the good of all types of users. And it is that being able to do it in any time and place can save time, money and more than one headache. This is what happens with EYSAMobile, the application with which to pay and renew the Regulating Parking Ordinance(ORA) without worrying about getting a ticket and approaching one of the machines if the paid time has passed. All this in a comfortable way and in just a couple of screen touches.
This is a mobile payment application designed for the user comfort and with great efficiency. And it is that with it you avoid walks, scares and spending extra money All this through a very comfortable and easy tool to use, suitable for all types of users. Of course, only available for those places where EYSAMobile operates. At the moment it is available in Madrid, Burgos, La Rioja, Asturias, Cuenca, Ciudad Real and Ibiza
To start using EYSAMobile all you have to do is register as a user. A simple and guided process that barely lasts a couple of minutes but in which it is necessary to enter bank details and make an initial top-up to have a balance in advance.So you only have to enter an email, a password, the number of the mobile phone, the registration and the data of the credit card After purchasing some credit and logging in , the application menus are already displayed on the main screen.
From this point the user can park in any regulated area with EYSAMobile and pay from the application. To do this, access the menu Park, where the different license plates used in the case of having several vehicles are collected. After selecting the one that is being used, all you have to do is establish the zone in which you are going to park A process that can be automated thanks to the sensor GPS of the mobile, or by manually entering the place. With this, all the payment information is presented, being able to know the rates and apply a certain time to know their cost.When confirming the payment, the ORA is established without the need for any type of ticket.
The application is automatically in charge of notifying the user that the payment time is about to end by means of a message notification, being able toextend payment longer if necessary. In addition, it is possible to cancel possible fines if you have forgotten to renew from the application itself, through the menu Cancel fines following the steps of the process. But why EYSAMobile is surprising is that it is a much more cost-effective option for regular users of pay zones. And it is that if all the paid time is not consumed, at the time of desaparcar the excess money is reimbursed, according to the conditions of each city.
In short, a more than useful tool for users who want to save and avoid trouble parking in ORAA real convenience that currently operates only in specific areas. The good thing is that EYSAMobile is fully downloadable free for both Android as for iPhone through Google Playand App Store