WhatsApp for iPhone
One week after the users of the platform Android, those who use WhatsApp from a iPhone already have the new layers of privacy to the time to display user information. A buzzworthy update coming to iOS to allow you to set which profile contents can be seen by which contactsSomething that comes along with other customization options that complete this update.
This is the version 2.11.8 of WhatsApp on iOS, or more specifically on iPhone , since tablets continue to be a banned platform for this messaging tool, to the misfortune of many. An update that only presents three new features in its list of changes, but that are of great importanceEspecially for those who watch over their privacy and want to have more control over the contents of their profile that are displayed just by having their phone number.
Thus, the most important novelty of this update are the new functions to control what content the different contacts see Thus, has enabled a new menu within Settings, in Account Info, called PrivacyFrom here the user can select that everyone can see their last connection, the profile photo or your status phrase Or, on the contrary, that only those people added to your phonebook as contacts, and even nobody can see you, if so want. Just click on the different contents and select the desired option.
The second novelty that comes with this version 2.11.8 of WhatsApp is a new collection of wallpapers Images specially designed to be used as backgrounds for chat or conversation screens to give them a different style that matches the tastes of the user. All you have to do is access a conversation and display the menu to find the option Funds Here now the selection is much more varied, finding all kinds of compositions that bet on colors and that in many cases they seek to respect the lines of what was seen in iOS 7Backgrounds that seek to decorate but without attracting the user's attention and mislead him from what is truly important: the messages. That's why many of them use patterns or display blurring effects A wide variety to choose from to suit the consumer.
Finally there is the usual bug fix A recurring point in the updates but it is of vital importance to hunt down and finish with the bugs that make the user experience unreliable, improving the general operation of the application in many cases.
In short, an update awaited by iPhone users who already wanted to be able to control what content of the profile can be seen by others . One more step in the search for security and privacy of the user who is being criticized so much on WhatsAppafter your purchase by Facebookversion 2.11.8 is now available for free via App Store
Thanks to Carlos Mérida for the images.