Telegram continues to grow in number of users thanks to the options and functions it has. And it goes beyond being an instant messaging service capable of protecting conversations with privacy measures such as self-destruction of messages, also offering customization and other issues to accommodate the tastes and needs of users. Below we explain step by step how to customize the user profile with its corresponding image to display.
In the same way that happens with the application WhatsApp, the profile of Telegram is the cover letter of each user. A utility that allows you to make sure that you are talking to the correct contact and thus avoid any type of misunderstanding. It is also a way to draw attention to the rest of the conversations and publicize the nickname or name by which you want to be known. And it is that the profile of Telegram is formed both by the image of profile as aname that the user can customize as desired.
To customize these issues you only have to access the official application of Telegram both for Android as for iPhone and press the menu button in the upper right corner, where you have to select the section SettingsOnce this is done, a new screen is presented with the user's profile information, as well as other issues such as notifications, multimedia content downloads, etc.
The part that interests you is at the top of the screen, where the user finds a box that alludes to the image profile, in addition to your name. Simply click on said image to open a menu that allows to see it larger (if there is already one selected), activate the camera to take a snapshot right now, choose a photo from the gallery of the terminal or delete the current selected image to avoid show none.
This is a square format image on Android, similar to those produced with the application Instagram, and round in iOSFor this reason, it is possible that after choosing or taking a photo, it is necessary to crop it to focus attention on one point and give it each of the formats according to the platforms. To do this, a guide helps the user to crop the selected image and achieve the ideal result for his image. After accepting the process, the image is published and visible to the rest of the users of the service that they add to the contact.
Same as customizable is the name that the user wants to show to other contacts. To modify it, it is only necessary to click on the pencil in the upper right corner Thus you can write any name or nickname , or even a full name with last name. This will be shown to other users, although it must be taken into account that Telegram offers contacts to modify names personally and one by one.Therefore, despite typing a name, the other user can modify it to their liking with another nickname or any question.
With this, two of the aspects that Telegram make public for the rest of the users are personalized. Useful questions to recognize or give a own style to the application in front of the rest of the contacts.