How Telegram improves WhatsApp
It seems that the fight between messaging applications has only just begun. And it is that each time the alternatives to the hegemonic WhatsApp have more possibilities and options on this. Despite the fact that it continues to reign as the tool with the most active users per month, one of the points for which it was acquired by Facebook for a dizzying amount of 19 billion dollars Among these alternatives Telegram resonates most strongly.Perhaps because of its contribution to security and privacy, or perhaps because it is the last to reach an increasingly crowded market. But how does Telegram improve on WhatsApp?
It is one of the great hallmarks of Telegram And it arises almost at the whim of a Russian billionaire who wanted to have and give the people a tool with which to communicate freely, without government surveillance and no loopholes for snoops. That is why it has a powerful security system, much more than that of WhatsApp, highly criticized by security experts.
This is due to several issues that differentiate Telegram from WhatsApp Thus the messaging service of Russian origin has a decentralized server system Something that prevents all information from passing through the same point, and therefore, from being the target of attacks and espionage.In addition, the service has a system of encryption (encryption) of the information that is sent that does not carry the key to decode the messages in plain sight in the same transfer , such as yes does WhatsApp
They are so confident in Telegram of the strength of their service that they have a prize of 200,000 dollars for that hacker or security expert who discovers a flaw or overcomes the barriers of his tool.
Along with security, privacy is another of the strong points and the cover letter of this new messaging service. And it is that it has taken advantage of the media pull of the cases of government espionage, the leaks of former workers of intelligence agencies or the fear of users that their data and messages will be read by third parties to position themselves as a strong alternative.
Something that it is capable of thanks to features such as secret chats A type of conversation with extra security and privacy barriers such as mobile-to-mobile encryption, the impossibility of resend the content shared in said chat and, above all, the possibility of activating the self-destruction of messages and content feature after a some time. All this without leaving any trace of those conversations or messages on the servers of Telegram Issues that are very far from the functions of WhatsApp
Without a doubt, the third major pillar of the offer of Telegram on WhatsApp is that it is a completely free service.No subscriptions, in-app purchases, or content purchases of any kind. A tool completely free , at least for the moment, who opposes the payment of 1 euro annually proposed by WhatsApp A cost that is still minimal for a service that is uses every day, but in the case of Telegram avoids the hassle of making payments to users who do not have credit card or who do not trust banking procedures through the Internet