Telegram grew even more after the announcement of the purchase of WhatsApp
Little by little, and to add fuel to the fire in the battle to become the messaging application with the most users, show data about the comings and goings of WhatsApp, Telegram and LINE And, after recent events, users have alternated between all these tools. Whether it's for security, privacy or the extra features they offer, it seems everyone has chosen their side.
Thus, the creator of Telegram, has confirmed an increase in downloads of the official applications of his messaging service sinceFacebook announced the purchase of WhatsApp Specifically, it has accounted for up to eight million new downloads A figure that, good insurance, it has continued to increase day by day. And it is that Telegram has always been considered as a secure and private application, moving away from the image owned by Facebook due to espionage by the US Security Agency (NSA) and privacy issues and concerns. Something that users can now associate to WhatsApp after their recent purchase, despite the attempts and displays of their still CEO , Jan Koum, to maintain independent both image and operation of the messaging tool in front of the social network.
Something that has not been helped by the recent crash of the WhatsApp service that occurred a few days ago and left without service messaging millions of users for hours. Thus becoming the most important ruling in its history. A problem that is attributed to the growing number of users that received after the announcement of their purchase by Facebook The result is that, after not being able to send messages withWhatsApp, up to a total of 1, 8 million users joined the ranks of Telegram to test their virtues and continue in communication. Paradoxically, its message service confirmation SMS of new accounts was also saturated due to the volume of new users. However, the following day the figure increased to 4.8 million more usersA growing rhythm that is supported by word of mouth, the media noise it is generating and its presence among the top positions in the application markets.
The third application in discord is the Japanese one LINE Another of the tools that seems to have benefited from the fear of users that their privacy invaded by Facebook, or that it has worked while WhatsApp and Telegram were victims of their own success. Thus, as reported by the media TechCrunch, in the 24 hours after the fall of the WhatsApp service, LINE It even registered 2 million new users With this it would have already surpassed the 360 million to its credit
A figure that is still a long way off compared to the 465 million WhatsApp currently ownsEven further if we take into account that the figures of WhatsApp speak of active users per month , while in LINE only count the records, even if the users do not use the application afterwards .
What is clear is that WhatsApp continues to be the majority optionAnd it is that despite the fears of users and its malfunctions, it continues to offer a simple and direct service to which millions of people have become accustomed. Something that does not prevent that, as alternatives, both Telegram and LINE continue adding followers. And it is that these have all kinds of striking and practical functions such as private chats or the fun stickers