Telegram faces its first malfunction
Despite its reinforced security and its capabilities, the application Telegram is not free from possible problems that they come across in their daily lives. Something that has been demonstrated after the first of the known failures in the operation of this messaging service that is attracting so much attention. Of course, a crisis that seems to be already resolved thanks to his quick action. And is that everything related to this application seems quick
It seems that the problem suffered by Telegram in recent days is the result of its own fame. Or so their managers report through a message that they have sent to different media. In this way, they affirm that “after the latest events”, the user base of this messaging service would have grown to a great extent in all parts of the world. This issue would have prompted their engineering team to improve contact synchronization features, correcting issues such as country or city codes. But bad happened.
When trying to improve the service, they incurred some kind of functioning failure, thus producing an error that notified users, so random, about the availability of other contacts in this application. Contacts with whom they had no relationship and who could be from another part of the planet.The problem is that with this bug even these unknown contacts could engage in direct conversation. A whole privacy problem that has been able to escape more than one user who has noticed of this problem.
The good news is that this problem has already been fixed since last Thursday. In this way the synchronization of contacts should work normally and without giving way to contacts with whom you have no relationship. Of course, it is possible that the application keeps these contacts listed, despite having repaired the error. Therefore, all that remains is for the user to delete them manually if they do not wish to have any contact with them.
With all this Telegram intones a mea culpa, being responsible but also offering a solution to a problem that could have tarnished his fair reputation now that it begins to be a valid alternative to WhatsAppA reaction that is appreciated and is that in just a few days he has worked to put an end to the error, solving any type of particular problem through his official account on the Twitter social network
In short, one of the problems of quickly embracing success, but that at least shows the attention of those responsible for Telegram Y It is that, looking at the similar cases that happened in WhatsApp, few have received an answer or a message explaining the situation. At most one message via Twitter reporting the service downtime. Now we will have to see if it turns out to be a specific problem in the history of Telegram or if it becomes the usual trend after achieving a user base that is too large to handle.