How Samsung Group Play works
Samsung has thought about how to avoid head banging when viewing an image on the same terminal, or how to take a song to several devices at the time. Just use the Samsung Group Play application, a most interesting tool to share safely and immediately even when you don't have an Internet connection. An application that is reaching terminals that are updated to version 4.3 of Android and that comes pre-installed on those devices that already have said version of the Android operating system. Google.
This is a tool for sharing content, yes, only between terminals of the Galaxy range In this way, although another user does not have an Internet connection to receive images, songs and more, you can enjoy the content thanks to this tool. But what surprises this application is that it also offers the option of playing at the same time and sharing screens. All this simultaneously, so as not to be limited to a single terminal and with the comfort offered by NFC technologythat links devices just by touching them.
Just start the application and select one of the two options that appears on the main screen: Join group or Create group, depending on the terminal that has the content to be shared.Thus, when creating a new group, the device creates a private WiFi network to which the other terminals Galaxycan connect. A process that can be secured by means of a password to prevent other foreign terminals from joining. Meanwhile, the rest of the devices just have to press the Join group option, enter the password and wait for the link to be created.Another, faster and easier way is to use the aforementioned NFC (Near Field Communication). Thus, it is enough to bring one terminal closer to another to share the link and the contents that are desired.
Once the group of terminals has been established, it is possible to start playing or sharing the contents. First appears the Share Music option, which takes the user to their library of songs to play any of them. When selecting one or more, they begin to ring simultaneously through all the connected terminals.The good thing is that each one emits a sound, being able to control the volume of the left and right speaker and other issues to get a more complete experience.
The second option is Share images, which works in a similar way, giving the option to choose a group of images to take to all the devices at the same time, allowing their editing by choosing the pencil tool and painting on them, being able to see the result in real time. Another feature of Samsung Group Play is File Sharing In this function it is possible not only send other types of content such as text documents, but collaborate in real time on them with other users.
Finally, for users who are more gamers, Group Play also has the option of playing in a group participating in the same game from different devices.Just choose the option Play games and more and choose some of the contents of the tab DownloadGames that allow immediate interaction with the convenience of playing individually with each device.