Although there is a good variety of sports applications to record physical activity and with options sociales to publish the results achieved, do not always cover one of the basic needs: finding more players or people with whom to practice a sport. And wouldn't it be better to publicize where and when to play a game, attend a class or practice a sport so that more people can join? Under this premise works YesweplayA curious tool to find people or share a sporting activity in a much more social way.
It is a sports application, but in this case it does not use the terminal's sensors to determine how long the user has exercised or how many calories they have burned. Its mission is to establish plans as a calendar to let contacts or anonymous people know where and when a sport is going to be practiced, being able to self-invite and participate in the activity if they wish. All this in a comfortable way and letting the whole group know.
Yesweplay has a really comfortable and useful visual design, which may not surprise you with its simplicity, but it allows all kinds of user knows what he is doing at all times without feeling lost.The first thing is to create an account, either by registering an email address and password, or by using the social network Facebook to expedite the process. After that, a list is presented with all the activities that the application includes and that touches all areas. Thus, the user can choose their favorite sports and activities so they don't have to search for them later. With this step you already have access to the application itself.
This way, the main screen appears, where the plans launched by the user appear. To create one, just press the button + and specify the sport, place, day and timeIn addition, it is possible to make the event public, so that any user of Yesweplay can see it and can join , or private so that only the added contacts have access to it. All this being possible to apply a description and specify the maximum number of participants, the sex and the time that the activity will last.Once completed, all that remains is to publish it. An extra point is that it has a section of messages to be able to communicate directly with the participants of the activity.
In addition, the user can search for activities already planned by others Simply display the menu on the left and select the optionAvailable A map of the user's area automatically appears to show the places where other plans exist. Here it is possible to expand the search radius and access any public plan, or private if it has been published by a friend. For this reason, it is convenient to convince others to install this application to manage the groups, see who is signing up, etc. A simple option thanks to the invitations that can be sent from the application itself in the Friends section
In short, a curious and practical application for all those who need to find plans or people to practice a team sport, or for the mere fact of enjoying company.It is also especially useful for planning company parties, groups of friends, teams, etc. The good thing is that Yesweplay is available for both Android and iPhone totally free Can be obtained from Google Play and App Store It also has a web version for computers.