The social networks and storage services on the Internet They have multiplied the possibilities when it comes to sharing photographs and content. But how do you stay on top of everything that's going on without needing thousands of applications? proposes the solution to this problem by gathering the contents of the main social networks and creating common albumsin one place. A good option to collect all the snapshots of the same moment or event in a simple way and share them with a group of people.
This is a service to collect photographs and moments. A kind of cloud that orders the contents around moments, gathering photographs around an event using different social media sources and uniting people to expand the albums with different perspectives. Everything a user needs to avoid having to request the photos of said event or check one by one all the social networks where their friends have shared them.
All you have to do is log in with the user data of a social network as Facebook, Google+ or Twitter to access the application. With this, the different moments recorded with the photos stored in said social networks are automatically loaded.Thus, the images are brought together, but also the friends and contacts who have participated in them and who are tagged. In this way it is possible to invite them to use this tool and add their own images to complete the album. And it is that also works as a social network in itself being able to follow other users to know their moments that they make public.
As social network has a wall called News, where to know the moments in which you participate and the users you follow. However, it is also possible to know which events are trend and see the images from their albums in the Popular tab But, if you want to find out what is happening near the user's location, the ideal tab is Near, being able to see moments of people a few meters away .
In addition, each moment or album has possibilities of interaction. Along with the possibility of invite viewers or share the contents, it is also possible to rate them through comments or give Like And not only that, since it is possible to tag new users to participate. All this taking into account that the more social media accounts are added, the more complete the moments will be. For now the service allows signing in Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram, Flickr and Picasa
In short, a most useful tool to gather all the images and avoid having to request or consult them through different networks social. The only problem is that there is no privacy menu where you can correctly manage who can access those moments or check their existence in the menu NearbyThe good thing is that is fully downloadable free for both Android as for iPhone through Google Playand App Store