These are the first apps redesigned for iOS 7
Today is a busy day for all those users who have decided to update their iPhone and iPad to iOS 7, the latest version of the operating system from AppleAnd it is that they are not only going to have to update the operating system, but many applications that have decided to host this version of iOS Tools that have decided to embrace the lines and tones of the colorful and simple design embraced by Apple and that, in the case of some of them, they have also taken the opportunity to introduce novelties.Below we show some of the main applications that have not missed the opportunity to renew:
The most massive social network has decided to launch an update to adopt the design lines of iOS 7 In addition, with its new version it has included some more changes such as the replacement of the drop-down menu by a tab bar in the bottom area of the screen. Thus, while maintaining its usual structure, it is possible to switch between the different sections enjoying a new aspect more in keeping with the rest of the terminal.
Another of the important applications that could not be missed the arrival of iOS 7 A social network that has also decided eliminate superfluous elements and leave only flat colors and icons.All this taking advantage of its integration with the operating system to search for tweets or users through the assistant Sirior complete contacts with your username at Twitter, among other things.
This tool not only stands out for the possibility of saving notes, but also for its rapid opening to new platforms. One of the reasons why it could not be missing from the launch of iOS 7 In this case, it has also modified its design, leaving behind its initial screen for aflat and simple that is committed to displaying information on already saved notes.
An application to save content to read later in a comfortable way that, if applicable, has decided not to modify its appearance, although Yes its functions.Thus, users who wish can update it to activate the synchronization of contents in background, a viewer to full screen and other adjustments that directly affect the readability of the contents.
The social network of geolocation seems concerned about the design. Proof of this has been its latest release in Windows 8 Now it also decides to welcome iOS 7with a visual tweak. Not much compared to the rest of the applications on this list, apart from taking the opportunity to make internal adjustments that are not visible and change your logotipo
The second most video portal on the Internet has also taken advantage of the occasion to renew its appearance.A step that leaves behind its old image thanks to screens translucent and a lot of minimalism, although without lose functions.
Another tool focused on finding places around the user's position that has modified their overall appearance. Compared to the cold list of types of premises that it presented in previous versions, it now has color icons in the purest styleiOS 7respecting the minimalism and lines of the operating system.
The same decision has been made by Aviary, a photo editing application. Thus, although its structure remains intact, the visual changes introduced are visible. Or rather extracted, and it is that they have eliminated unnecessary lines and menus, superimposing the icons on the background, without the need for delimiting lines.Changes that have also affected its operation by reducing the steps or facilitating the process to share images.
A revolutionary application that mixes tasks with emailand that already surprised by its design. However, it has also released an update to accommodate even more using translucent screens and eliminating everything superfluous Without forgetting, of course, to make general tweaks to make the application work more fluid
The well-known application to hunt for songs hasn't missed the opportunity. Thus, despite having revamped its appearance recently, it now applies colors and shapes more in line with iOS 7 , all this making the app more social with new features like mention Facebook friendsor create a music map.
Make calls and video calls via the latest version of Skypeis also a subtle visual change. And it has also been remodeled recently. What is interesting is being able to access group calls from the iPhone in addition to improving the sound quality of the calls. Features to be appreciated.
Kindle for iOS
The Amazon book and magazine reader has also embraced the new design of iOS 7 To do so, it has modified the color, icons and tools shown on the screen in a simpler and more colorful style. Along with this, it also has the Collections function to conveniently order the contents available for reading.
The best-known purchase-sale portal on the Internet has launched an update to its application.A new version that shows exactly the same contents as before but in a much flatter format, avoiding lines and menus, all on the same background.
It seems that Google has also wanted to leave a presence on the competition's platform from the first moment in which iOS 7 has been released. To do so, it has updated its Internet browser but with very subtle changes. Just a new settings screens accommodated to the new Apple style and improving the connection with other home applications such as Google Maps and Gmail.
Via: Engadget