Sometimes it's easy to forget that before smartphones there were also mobiles Devices that despite not being classified as smart had Internet connectionto navigate and perform some functions. Terminals that have continued to be produced in the background for emerging markets where they can be distributed at a low costSomething that the Google email team, the well-known Gmail, has not happened by releasing a new and improved version of this web application
This is a revamp of the Gmail email service that can be used through the Internet browser A service that non-intelligent terminals support and that has been enhanced with a new design that not only means better readability, but also a new user experience, with fewer buttons and steps to perform functions such as answer messages or check your own mail comfortably All this without the need to manage an application or configure it, just by accessing the page Gmail web
With this new version of the Gmail web application convenience is sought for users of non-touch terminals that need buttons to access the different sections. Thus, the key is to reduce the steps so that the experience is comfortable despite not being able to directly click in a place.This has led to, for example, now you can answer or reply to a message directly from your viewing screen, avoiding having to press the reply button and access to a different screen to do so.
Together with this feature, a comfortable and quick switch between conversations is now also allowed, avoiding having to return to the inbox to move from one to another. Simply select the left or right arrow located in the upper right corner of each conversation, being able to know which message you are in thanks to the number that lists the received emails.
In addition, it's now faster and easier to compose or compose and send a new message. To do this, buttons similar to those of the application for smartphones have been inserted at the top of the window.Thus, just by pressing it it is possible to start writing a new email. A button that is present on many of the screens, allowing a quick shortcut to this option. Qualities that, with simple steps, significantly improve the functionality of this service.
All this, along with some other improvements and corrections, through a service that respects Google's lines and minimalist and clear designIn short, an improved tool so that any user, especially in continents like Africa, where this class of terminals are still the majority, can have one of the most widespread and useful communication services around the world. Simply access the address in the Internet browser to have from it, without the need to install or download content, as is the case with smartphones