Watch TV through portable devices such as smartphonesand tablets is not something really new, because there are many applications for it distributing the same DTT channels But, what if using cloud computing, or more colloquially the cloud (Internet), to bring other television channels to these platforms? Then the possibilities multiply, giving the user a completely different and renewed viewing experienceSomething that Magine has been doing for a while.
This is a curious content distribution service Something like a television service cable but through Internet, with all that this entails. In this way, it not only allows content to be reproduced through the computer, but also reaches other platforms such as smartphones and tablets (at the moment only those of Apple) and even to televisions with technology SmartTV Thus the user can follow his favorite series or program from anywhere and at any time And, using the cloud, it is possibleplay these contents again even if they are not being broadcast live at that moment.
For the moment Magine is a free service in private beta phaseor trial by invitation that allows the reproduction of certain television channels according to the region of the user. Thus, it is necessary to request an invitation from their website to gain access to the service, which will be opened to more and more customers. After that it is enough to sign with an account of Facebook, Twitter or Google+ to access this service. Once the system is fully operational, the service will be paid for, although no figure is known at this time.
Currently, Magine allows users in Spain to play content from different world-renowned channels. Thus, it is possible to see Nickelodeon, Panda, Paramount Comedy, Paramount Channel, Canal Cocina, Canal Hollywood, Decasa, Odisea, Viajar, Nat Geo Wild, Canal National Geographic and MTV , although soon this list will increase.However, the curious and really practical thing about Magine is not the live reproduction of these channels over the Internet, but all theirextra chances
Thus, in addition to being able to move comfortably through a programming guide updated at the moment and with information about the programs, episodes and movies, it is possible to go back in time to play content already broadcast And, when usingInternet, Magine temporarily stores episodes and shows for the most clueless user who has ever missed your series favorite or have not been able to make schedules compatible can see them. And there is more, since this service has a section called Remote connection when used from the computer This is to use the portable device as a remote control with which to change channels or move through the content comfortably.
In short, a very promising television service thanks to the use it makes of Internet Even more so when it is possible to use it on different platforms, being especially useful for trips, despite the data consumption that this entails. For now it is only possible to test it by requesting a invitation, although they already have an application for iPhone and iPad fully free on App Store , the development of a tool also being confirmed for the platform Android, although it is still necessary to have an invitation to use it through these platforms There will be to wait to see how this useful television service develops.