Again arrive rumors of the purchase of one of the most useful and amazing tools for driving We are referring to the application Waze, astart up or Israeli company that would be in full negotiations to be acquired by the social network par excellence: Facebook Some negotiations that, if the sources are listened to, would be fairly advanced, reaching to specify a price that would be around billion dollarsAn issue that is strongly reminiscent of Instagram purchase for a price, in principle, similar
This time the rumors come through three Israeli media outlets, (Calcalist, Ynet and The Marker), which not only state that the negotiations are full progress and well advanced, but also that they have started six months ago In addition, as we said, there is speculation with a not inconsiderable purchase figure that would range from 800 to 1,000 million dollars And even more details of the agreement that we explain below have been discussed.
Apparently, according to El País, both companies have already signed a pre-agreement to start an internal audit of the Israeli start-up and know its value. For its part, the media outlet TechCruch has tried to confirm all this information, getting various sources to confirm the fact and even the approximation of the price published by the Israeli media.In addition, it is currently being negotiated whether Waze should leave Israel to finally settle in United States, as has already happened with two other companies of the same nationality acquired a couple of years ago by FacebookHowever, this is not the first time that the sale of Waze has been rumored, so we must remain expectant. At the beginning of the year it was going to be Apple who would stay with this start up to improve its mapping tool. Which did not happen.
For those who don't know him yet, I must say that Waze is the perfect copilot And it is a complete GPS navigator to indicate the way to any point, showing turn by turn where to go, indicating alternative routes in case of slow traffic and characteristics social to know the location or destination of friends.However, what really surprises Waze is because of its mechanics of operation And it is that behind the maps and their alerts are the users themselves
A community of fans of digital cartography are the ones who create, modify and correct roads and streets shown in the application. A system that results in the benefit of the community itself, who also report accidents, road closures, traffic jams and all kinds of problems that other drivers may encounter. Thus, without the need to make any payment, there is an application always updated, with notices in real time
For some time now, Waze and Facebook have joined forces to allow users to find your friends and add them to this driving tool.Something that, seen what has been seen, could be a first step for what is happening. And that is the power of Waze, with a community of 45 million users around the world , is what could have seduced Facebook, which continues its quest to conquer the mobile market
However, so far, both companies have decided not to confirm the fact, rejecting “ talk about rumors and speculation”. We will have to wait to confirm or deny this supposed agreement.