Other bad news for users of one of Twitter best known: TweetDeck And it is that those responsible for this tool belonging to Twitter have specified the end date of their service The final auction to a tool that for a few weeks already has expiration date on all your platforms and now confirmed to happen next day May 7 for your applications on Android and iPhone
This has been confirmed with a simple update in the same official TweetDeck blog It informs that both the application TweetDeck AIR, as well as TweetDeck for Androidand TweetDeck for iPhone will be removed from the respective app markets, Google Play and App StoreWith which, no user will be able to find and download it from next May 7 However, this is not the worst.
And, as was already reported when the announced the closure of this client, its service will also cease to be operational as of that same day This means that those who have already downloaded the application will not be able to use it, and they will receive an error message and will not be able to access the service. And it is that the closure of TweetDeck is definitive and withering except for its desktop versions in the browser Google Chrome and on the web
Despite its short announcement, the cessation of the integration with Facebook is also reported as of said date. Therefore, the desktop versions that remain active will not allow posting on this social network, serving only and exclusively as a client to manage and post via Twitter In addition, all Applications created or using the Twitter API v1, will also lose their service starting the first week of May.
The closure of this tool is the result of studying the use that Twitter users make of its applications and functions, as well as of the evolution and work invested in the official Twitter application And, according to those responsible, the users of smartphones and tablets prefer to use this, while professionals like community manager and account managers of Twitter through the computers make greater use of from TweetDeckA cut to avoid competing with yourself.
For those who don't know, TweetDeck is a tool acquired by Twitter He has been acting as client of this same social network for 18 months This means the possibility of use and publish on Twitter with the user account, but adding other useful options such as retweet with a quote, manage several accounts at once, post status updates on various social networks different and many more. Questions of great use for the most amateurs and for professionals in communication who are in charge of several accounts in the social network of the 140 characters
Starting next day May 7th TweetDeck will now only be available through the browser application Chrome and its web versionSomething that continues to be difficult to digest for many of its users